History of the Cardiac & Respiratory System المدرس الدكتور سامر نعمة ياسين الفتلاوي M.B.Ch.B, D.M, F.I.C.M.S بورد ( دكتوراه ) في الطب الباطني / المجلس العراقي للاختصاصات الطبية دبلوم عالي في الطب الباطني / جامعة الكوفة – كلية الطب بكالوريوس طب و جراحة عامة / كلية الطب – جامعة الكوفة
COUGH Sudden and often repetitively occurring reflex which helps to clear the large breathing passages from secretions, irritants, foreign particles and microbes
CLASSIFICATION Duration Acute (of sudden onset) if it is present less than three weeks Sub acute if it is present between three and eight weeks Chronic when lasting longer than eight weeks Character Non-productive (dry) Productive (when sputum is coughed up) Timing Only at night (then called nocturnal cough) During both night and day Just during the day Quality Explosive Bovine
QuestionstobeAsked Questions to be Asked Duration Site Character and quality If productive ask following about sputum: Color of sputum ( yellow, green, pink) Amount Site Odor Blood Timing Relieving and exacerbating Blood Association ( chest pain, dyspnea, fever, appetite, weight loss ) Severity
WHEEZE Continuous, coarse, whistling sound produced in the respiratory airways during breathing
QuestionstobeAsked Questions to be Asked Duration Continuous or intermittent? Short of breath? Chest pain? Cough?
HEMOPTYSIS Coughing up blood or blood-stained mucus from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs
QuestionstobeAsked Questions to be Asked Amount Character (steaks,clots, fresh) Duration Association Color
SYNCOPE Sudden loss of consciousness due to decrease cerebral perfusion it should be differentiated from epilepsy Causes: Arrhythmias LVF Aortic stenosis Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Vasovagal Postural hypotension Cough syncope Micturition syncope Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
Questionsforsyncope Questions for syncope Pre syncope symptoms: chest pain, breathlessness, lightheadedness, nausea, palpitation, fear, dimness of vision, pallor, sweating Duration Tongue biting, urine incontinence Abnormal movement during the attack help to differentiate it from epilepsy After regain consciousness : flushing, loss of memory, any headache, sleeping
OEDEMA Swelling due to accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space Causes Cardiac : right sided heart failure Renal : nephrotic syndrome Hepatic : liver cirrhosis Drugs : NSAID and ca channel blockers
Questionsforedema Questions for edema Localized or generalized Site Foot, ankle, leg … Sacral : bed ridden or severe Arm : venous obstruction Face : severe or in nephrotic Unilateral or bilateral limbs Duration & progression
CYANOSIS Bluish discoloration of skin and mucus membrane due to increase deoxygenated HB > 5 gm / dl Central Cardiac or respiratory Peripheral Decrease arterial perfusion
Questionsforcyanosis Questions for cyanosis Site : nose, lips, ears, mouth mucosa or fingers and toes Time of onset Association with clubbing or not
Chest Pain
Types Central chest pain Peripheral chest pain
Causes of Central Chest Pain MI Angina MVP Pericarditis / Myocarditis Aortic Dissection Massive Pulmonary Embolism Tracheitis Esophagitis / Esophageal Spasm GERD
Causes of Peripheral Chest Pain Pneumonia Pleurisy Musculoskeletal Herpes zoster Rib fracture Pulmonary Infarction Pneumothorax Malignancy
Questions For Chest Pain ? 1.Site 2.Onset : sudden or gradual 3.Type : tightness, squeezing, chocking, burning, tearing, stabbing 4.Time : day or night,intermittent or continuous 5.Severity : mild, moderate or severe 6.Radiation : back, neck, shoulder, arm, jaw 7.Precipitating factors: exertion, emotion, movement or breathing 8.Relieving factors : rest or drugs 9.Association: dyspnea, cough ………
Definition Is the sensation of using an abnormal amount of effort to breathe Respiratory : Pneumonia, Asthma, Pneumothorax, COPD, Pulmonary Embolism Cardiac : Heart Failure, Ischemic Heart Disease Others : severe Anemia, Obesity …
Questions for dyspnea Onset : gradual or sudden Site Quality: Carefully check what the patient is describing. Try to differentiate between true dyspnea; tight or squeezing chest pain or pain on inspiration. Previous episodes: Are the features the same as this presentation? Is there a pattern? Severity : Mild: only in heavy exercise Moderate : in mild exercise but not at rest Severe : in rest Time : night in heart failure, early morning in asthma Aggravating factors : drugs, exercise, emotion, cold weather …. Relieving factors : drugs, rest Association : pain, cough …….
Definition Subjective awareness of heart beats Questions for palpitation : Onset / End Continuous or paroxysmal? Fast or slow? regular or irregular? extra beats? tap the beat with your hand? Aggravating and relieving Association chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness/feeling faint, polyuria? Site Time Recurrence
Intermittent Claudication Intermittent Claudication
Definition Pain in the lower limbs occur during exertion Cause: Peripheral vascular disease Ask about: Site of pain When did it start? Is it relieved by rest? Distance How much does it interfere with lifestyle/work?