Sums of Random Variables and Long-Term Averages Sums of R.V. ‘s S n = X 1 + X X n of course
Thus Var ( X + Y) = Var (X) + Var (Y) only if Cov ( X,Y) = 0 If X k are i.i.d ( Independent,Identically distributed) ~ , 2 E (S n ) = n Var (S n ) = n 2
PDF of sums of independent R.V.’s: because of independence
Sample Mean: If X k are iid measurements of a R.V. X, the sample mean M n is a random variable. M n is an unbiased estimator of .
Clearly In fact, this holds even when 2 does not exist. Weak Law of Large Numbers: If X k are i.i.d samples of X, E(X) = , is finite then, for all > 0 Strong Law of Large Numbers: If X k are i.i.d samples of X, E(X) = and Var(X) = 2 , 2 finite limit of probability 1
The Weak law states that : for a large enough n, M n is close to with high probability. The Strong law states that : with probability 1, a sequence of M n ‘s calculated using n samples converges to as n Note that the weak law does not say anything about any particular sequence of M n ‘s converging as a function of n. It only gives the probability of being close to for any fixed n, and this probability approaches 1 as n .
Central Limit Theorem Let X 1,X 2,..... Be a sequence of i.i.d R.V. ‘s with mean and variance 2 If and 2 exist. i.e. The sum of “enough” iid R.V.’s, properly normalized, is approximately normally distributed.
More general version: If X k are independent ( not necessarily identically distributed), and where s and 2 s are mean and variance of S n. If X k are iid with mean and variance 2 s = n 2 s = n 2
if i.e. for at least some > 2, the th moments exist for all X k. 1) is true if k > > 0 k 2) is true if all are 0 outside the interval [-c,c] and in many other situations.
In the discrete case, if S n takes values k, e.g. If X k are 0/1 outcomes of a Bernoulli trials, S n has a binomial distribution. s = n p, 2 s = n pq ( q = 1-p ) By the CLT which is called as de Moivre - Laplace Theorem.
Convergence of R.V. Sequences How does a sequence of R.V.’s, X 1,X 2,.... Converge to R.V X ? X n X as n Sequence of R.V.’s: A function that assigns a countably infinite number of real values, X k, to each outcome, , from a sample space, S. sequence = { X n ( ) } or { X n } e.g. S = (0,1) ( i.e. (0,1) ) X n ( ) = ( 1- 1/n ) So X n ( )
Convergence: X n X if, for any > 0, integer N such that | X n – X | N Cauchy Criterion: X n X iff, for any > 0, integer N such that | X n – X m | N XnXn nN X }2
Types of Convergence Sure Convergence: {X n ( ) } X ( ) surely If X n ( ) X ( ) as n S. i.e. The sample sequence for each converges, though possible to different values for different ’s. Almost Sure Convergence: almost {X n ( ) } X ( ) surely If P( : X n ( ) X ( ) as n ) = 1 So there might be some outcomes for which X n ( ) does not converge, but they have probability 0. e.g. strong LOLN.
Mean-square Convergence: MS {X n ( ) } X ( ) If E [ ( X n ( ) - X ( ) ) 2 ] 0 as n [ In Cauchy criterion terms E [ ( X n ( ) - X m ( ) ) 2 ] 0 as m, n Convergence in probability: prob {X n ( ) } X ( ) if for any > 0 P( | X n ( ) - X ( ) | > ) 0 as n i.e. The probability of being within 2 of X ( ) converges, not X n ( ) themselves. ( Weak law of large numbers for X n = M n, X = )
Convergence in distribution: Sequence {X n } with cdf’s {F n (x) } converges to X with cdf F(x) if F n (x) F(x) as n x at which F(x) is continuous. e.g. Central Limit Theorem. distprob a.s s m.s. Relationships between convergence modes
Example :
But Y n has a well defined distribution So Y n converges in distribution as n