Introduction Hi am Violeta Stidolph, your educational leader here in Serendipity Early Learning Centre. Today I am going to present to you the policy review.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction Hi am Violeta Stidolph, your educational leader here in Serendipity Early Learning Centre. Today I am going to present to you the policy review of the outdoor environment. By the way, what is a policy? why it is important? Why it needs to be reviewed and who were involved? Let me answer the questions one by one. Then we can reflect at outdoor environment policy of Serendipity and the changes we made.

Definition What is a policy and why it is important? According to Gibbs, in his book Policy development in early childhood settings: From idea to evaluation on page 5 he says that, “ policy is an action plan being adopted by an individual person or group”. Donovan and Jackson, as cited by Gibbs in page 5 in the same book proclaims that policy is,” a product, a process and a framework for action”.

What a good policy looks like? One that is developed through collaboration. One that reflects the need of the children, families, educators, staff and management. Policy that protects children, families, staff, educators and management and supports two –way communication. A policy that a community can access to. One that cater human rights and legislation on antidiscrimination. Written in a simple, plain English and easy to translate into different languages, ( DEECD, 2014).

The importance of policy Gibbs continue that it serves as a framework for action to the working people in an organisation and a guideline on their job description. That people will not to repeat discussing again and again the same issue when it was already discussed before. To ensure that the centre is operating under the law and meeting the regulatory requirements.

continuation Policy supports the centre’s philosophy implementation. It also guides management action and practices and a tool for conflict resolution. To manage and improve quality service, policy is the most effective tool. A guide to parents in understanding the service and what they can expect and what the service expects in return from them, (Rowell, 2006).

Policy can be a tool for promoting fairness, being consistent and transparent in all dealings. A means for information for the community in relation to certain particular topic. It is also a way to be connected to the community in achieving a mutual agreement in response to a specific topic, ( DEECD,2014).

Policy review Why policy needs a review? To ensure that the daily practices are align under legislative or regulatory requirements. To update information and new practices particularly in the area of health and safety, a field where research and discoveries always new. The ongoing review facilitates genuine collaboration with stakeholders and this process open the opportunity for everyone to be a part through their contribution. Also, stakeholders share their expertise in the review and in the making of the said policy.

Who were involved? The following are considered stakeholders: Management Director/ Coordinator Staff Families Children ( Gibbs, L., 2008)

Stakeholders Management that understand fully the regulation and so the children and family in their jurisdiction. Accountable in major role and decision making. Has a big role in policy making. Staff know and understand children under their care. Their contribution is important for they implement policy when they deal with children daily. Families are affected by the policy and vice versa and their participation help them understand. Children knows well their environment. And their input is valuable. Their contribution is through direct discussion and observation, their opinion is highly regarded. ( Gibbs, 2008).

Serendipity Early Learning Centre Outdoor Environment Policy Review Prior to the policy review, the stakeholders are encourage to share their opinion. The topic to discuss was all written in newsletter and send to all parents. Also an opinion box was position at the entrance where it is accessible to all so everybody can drop in their opinions. Children’s contribution were heard through conversation where words construction are simplified. They are also observe in all outdoor experiences and documented for further additional support in the review of the policy.

Kennedy and Stonehouse give emphasis on family - centred practices. The outcome: Family-child relationship get support, Children's learning, and children sense of trust and security are promoted,(Kennedy & Stonehouse,2012).. This give children opportunity to acknowledge self worth to reflect and develop their own values, ( VIT, 2015). The EYLF Outcome 4:Children are confident and involved learners. They think of possible strategies and are curious participants in their learning, ( DEEWR, 2009 ).

Family centred-practice considered a child as collaborator. The advancing of children's learning is the outcome of working together hand in hand with families, professionals and children. ( Bronfenbrenner, 1979, as cited by Kennedy & Stonehouse, 2012 ).

In the review the Serendipity Early Learning Philosophy goal was read which goal is centered on children as: competent, capable learners that are able to make decision and are supported with natural beauty of the environment through improvised materials for them to move and experience in a sustainable living. Family are valued as first teacher to their children’s learning. Collaboration is used as tools to reach out diverse community and supporting children in their cultural practices. Through the leadership of the director, educational leader and volunteer parents, they make sure that the centre is in compliance of all legislation and regulatory requirements and practice it at all times.

The outdoor environment policy upon review was found out missing some important features like soft fall equipment with a potential fall height under 500 mm measured from the standing surface of the equipment. Fall is common injury often happened in the playground among children below five years old and brain injury impacts not only on the child but to the whole family for as long as they live. To minimise fatal injury among young children soft fall must be at least 30mm deep, the length of one ruler after compressed. It may be made from chips of barks, straw or hay or leaves mulch compressed. Often, early childhood use soft fall mat made of rubber foam,( DECD,2012).

ECA Code of Ethics in relation to children says that educators should see to it that the environment is safe for children, secondly ACECQA Quality Area speak also focus on the premises that should be safe for children and well maintained. The Assessment will fall on them

The serendipity early Learning Centre outdoor environment policy goal is to support the health and safety of the children, when we look at our centre's philosophy we failed because we do not provide the soft fall which is one of the regulation in the play area unless we do the action and do something

about it. Second is the SMART POLICY, in our outdoor policy is not mention only that we have enough shade and children are encourage to wear proper dress for the weather. I encourage everybody that we will table it now and talk about it. Your opinion and suggestions are valued and highly appreciated. Thank you very much. ( References is written in word in part 1 assignment)