St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Let us begin by saying together Let everything we do and say this day be: In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College As we GATHER we’d like to open with our School Council Prayer Please bow your heads...
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Dear God Help us all… - to make the school a better place - to keep God’s Word and example during every day and every week - to make the days enjoyable for the teachers and helpers but most of all for the pupils. Help us all to work as a family in all we do. AMEN
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Now we are going to LISTEN... On Tuesday 13 th January, we had our first meeting of 2015 in the LRC Your representatives at this meeting were: Year 8 Sam Whitehead, Andrew Dixon and Ellie Scotland Year 9 Jamie Harris, Billy Rauer, Faye Naughton and Oscar Pimlett Year 10 Grace Croughan, Luke Drummond and Rachel Sheridan-Warburton Year 11 Rowena Machin, Conor Austin and Callum Talbot Staff Miss O’Connor, Mrs Austin, Mrs Mason, Mr Wiles, Aileen and Mrs Howad-Rigby Apologies Mrs Field, Mrs McSorley A fantastic team!
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Agenda Welcome and opening prayer Minutes and Matters Arising Fundraising Noticeboards Learning Organisers Suggestions Box AOB
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with PEACE Specialist Humanities College Noticeboards Problems identified – pupils do not look at boards, one reason being they are asked to move on because they are blocking the corridors. We can address the issue of not looking by putting reminders to look at updates in registers We are changing the Stonewall noticeboard(opposite the LRC stairs) to a new PUPIL VOICE board. On it will be the flow chart we showed you last time, photographs of activities and updates.
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Pupil Voice in school Specialist Humanities College SCHOOL COUNCIL Competitions And Rewards (CARAT) Action Team 5 pupils Sports Council 15 pupils Equality Action Team 30 pupils Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 67 pupils Learning And Teaching Pupil Review Team 12 pupils (on rotation) 24 pupils this academic year Paired Maths Mentors 13 pupils Paired Reading Mentors 22 pupils KS4 Visit to the Houses of Parliament Action Team 35 pupils Young Leaders 56 pupils Mental Health Action Team 4 pupils SEAL Action Team 4 pupil representatives at half-termly SEAL meetings PEACE COUNCIL Year 7, 8 and 9 Representatives 12 pupils per year group
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Specialist Humanities College Good Luck And Best Wishes We have decided to change this board slightly and rename it ‘Well Done and Best Wishes’. Mr Wiles and Mr Getty will be talking to you all about this ‘new’ board but what we can tell you is...
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Mr Getty and Mr Wiles have been looking at the whole school reward system and feel that there should be a lot more acknowledgement for students who do well – so, they want to highlight this to us all. One of the ways is through more active, updated use of noticeboards Students doing the right thing need to be heard!
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School Specialist Humanities College Fundraising – this money is used for things like subsidising rewards and to support charities Dubble bars are no longer made so we are going to see how well milk chocolate and caramel chocolate DIVINE bars sell. However, as it costs £27 for a box of 30 we think we need to look at other ways of raising money eg remember last year throwing a sponge at a teacher raised £70 in 10 minutes. Suggestions please!
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Learning Organisers It is at this time of year that we look at these to get them ready for printing so that they are ready for September. We had lots of ideas: (If you have any more ideas could you please let Mrs Mason know asap) 2 homework pages – one for week A and one for week B More NOTES pages and that these should be all together Bigger space for ‘due date’ Updating some information eg girls no longer wear ties and taking felt tips off the equipment list
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College The Suggestion Box As you are aware we received a request from two pupils in Y10 for a shelter for the bike racks. We all agreed that this would be a very good idea but as you can imagine it would cost a substantial amount of money. Jamie Harris and Ivan are coordinating with Miss O’Connor and working on this. We have discovered that when a proposal is put forward you have to mention not only its set up costs but its impact and maintenance costs
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College The Suggestion Box KS4 toilets along the art corridor. There was a query about their opening. Two year 11 pupils go and get the keys from Ivan at the start of each break and open them up. The staff on duty along that corridor at break and lunchtimes also have keys.
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with PEACE Specialist Humanities College Now that you have LISTENED to us it may be that you want to check something so Mrs Mason has kindly put a copy of this collective worship power point on to the school website
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with PEACE Specialist Humanities College Which leads us on nicely, as always, to your RESPONSE to our assembly... Take time to reflect on the messages we have passed on to you and put your ideas in the suggestion box...
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College Thanks to Grace Croughan and Ellie Scotland.... who will be delivering them all this week
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College As we get ready to LEAVE Let us end by saying together Let everything we do and say this day be: In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit
St. Gregory’s Catholic High School SEAL it with Respect Specialist Humanities College And finally... Thank you for listening to us