Etruscan: BCE Republic Rome: BCE Imperial Rome: 27 BCE- 337 CE
Greek influences Decorative Gestural Valued the deceased Know the temple design and features
Sarcophagus of Reclining Couple, 520 BCE
Tomb of the Leopards, BCE
Typical Etruscan Temple
Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, Palestrina, late 2 nd Century
Pont Du Gard, Nimes France 16 BCE
Roman Colosseum, CE
Arch of Titus 81 CE
Arch of Titus, Spoils of Jerusalem
Arch of Titus, Triumph of Titus
Trajan’s Column, 113 CE
Arch of Constantine
Pantheon, CE
19 Canopus and Serapeum, Hadrian’s Villa, ca. 125–128 CE
Bath’s of Caracalla
Basilica of Constantine
23 Aula Palatina
Augustus of Primaporta, 1 st century CE Aule Metele, Etruscan
Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, CE
Roman First Style wall painting, late 2 nd Century BCE -Masonry Style
Roman Second Style wall painting, BCE -open, illusionistic scenes
Roman Third Style wall painting, 10 BCE -intricate architecture -delicate, fantasy scenes
Roman Fourth Style wall painting, CE -framed views -architectural