1 Space is tight so please adjust accordingly
3 What do we know about the range of knowledge and skills necessary for success in careers, college, and communities? What do we want to learn from our statewide, large-scale assessment(s)? What action steps will be taken as a result of our state assessment(s)?
4 OUR GOAL Gather Alaskan input for the crafting of an ESSA State Plan that best serves Alaska’s public education system and fulfills the goals of Alaskans regarding education. Advisory Committee Spring Leadership Conference Other conferences, groups Public input Task Working Groups on specific topics
7 ELA & Math Standards Tested grades for ELA & math in high school The option of providing districts with a the choice to administer a nationally-recognized high school academic assessment Summative or interim model Science Standards Tested grades for science Adaptive assessment or fixed-form assessment Method for measuring complex skills (performance tasks, portfolios, etc.) Measuring growth (or not) and method Testing time limits
8 Working Agreements 1. Balance participation. 2.Engage in cognitive conflict. 3. Assume positive intent. 4.Commit to the agenda. Write it on a card!
9 Write your questions and comments about the AMP/DLM cancellation and the new assessment RFP on a card & put it in the basket. Include your for a personal response.
10 #1 ESSA allows the use of locally-selected assessments. This means each district can choose a test to give for the annual state assessment.
11 ESSA allows the use of locally-selected assessments. This means districts can choose which test to give for the annual state assessment. #1 FACT: ESSA only allows locally-selected assessments in a very specific, state-approved manner. If a state chooses to approve the use of a nationally-recognized high school academic assessment a district may choose to use this in lieu of the state-designed academic assessment for high school only. The grade 3-8 assessment(s) must be the same for all students (except SWSCD) across the state.
12 #2 Under ESSA, a state is allowed to pass a law that allows parents to decide about their child’s participation in testing.
13 Under ESSA, a state is allowed to pass a law that allows parents to decide about their child’s participation in testing. #2 NOTE: Students who do not test due to parent refusal are included in the total number of students enrolled and will count as not participating. 95% participation is still the expected rate.
14 #3 Many of our districts give interim assessments now. We could use one of these assessments next year as our state test and meet the requirements of ESSA.
15 Many of our districts give interim assessments now. We could use one of these assessments next year as our state test and meet the requirements of ESSA. #3 FACT: ESSA allows states to choose a single summative assessment or multiple statewide interim assessments during the course of the academic year that result in a single summative score that provides valid, reliable, and transparent information on student achievement or growth.
16 Document: Overview of ESSA Provisions and Alaska’s Current Reality
17 Set challenging state academic standards [in mathematics & language arts] aligned with entrance requirements for credit-bearing coursework in the state’s system of public higher education and relevant career and technical education state standards. ESSA § 1111(b)(1)(D)(i). ESSA Requirements
18 Use those standards to carry out systems of assessment, accountability, and school improvement (ESSA § 1111(b)(1)(A)), and basing the state’s accountability system on those challenging standards. ESSA § 1111(c)(4). ESSA Requirements
19 Alaska English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Standards adopted in 2012 Kindergarten – Grade 12 ELA: reading, writing, speaking, listening Math: content, practices Deemed college- and career-ready by Alaska’s institutes of higher education and Alaska educators Currently in Alaska
20 EED Explains video The Need for New Standards
21 As you reflect on your experience in teaching (or supporting the teaching of) the Alaska standards… what do you notice? What do you wonder?
22 ESSA Emerging Voices Input Question #1 Answer individually ~3 minutes Collect at the table into the envelope
24 Assessments Game
25 What do we know about the range of knowledge and skills necessary for success in careers, college, and communities? What do we want to learn from our statewide, large-scale assessment(s)? What action steps will be taken as a result of our state assessment(s)?
26 Write your questions and comments on a card & put it in the basket. Include your for a personal response.
28 Implement a set of high-quality student academic assessments in mathematics, language arts, and science. The state retains the right to implement such assessments in any other subject chosen by the state. ESSA § 1111(2)(A) Aligned with challenging state academic standards, provide information about attainment of standards, performance at grade level ESSA § 1111(2)(B)(i,ii) ESSA Requirements
29 The same academic assessment used to measure the achievement of all public elementary school and secondary school student in the state. ESSA Requirements ESSA § 1111(2)(B)(v) Science o Not less than one time during o Grades 3-5 o Grades 6-9 o Grades Math and language arts o In each of grades 3-8 o At least once in grades 9-12
30 ELA, Math assessment aligned to ELA and Math standards; administered in grades 3-10 Achievement level descriptor alignment reviewed by Alaskan educators Item alignment study conducted by EdCount Items reviewed for alignment by Alaskan educators and EED staff Science assessment aligned to science GLEs; administered in grades 4,8,10 Currently in Alaska
31 The state can approve nationally-recognized high school academic assessment(s) for use in lieu of the state-designed academic assessment for high school math, language arts, and/or science. Required to Be aligned to state’s academic content standards Provide comparable, valid, and reliable data Provide differentiation between schools within the state ESSA § 1111(2)(H)(i). ESSA Requirements
32 Alaska administers the state ELA, math assessment to grades 9 & 10 and the science assessment to grade 10 This is the last year students are required to take either the SAT, ACT, or WorkKeys assessment to meet graduation requirements. Currently in Alaska
33 Discuss options for high school tested grade… Benefits? Challenges? Best fit for AK? Discuss intersections… Benefits? Challenges? Best fit(s) for AK?
34 ESSA Emerging Voices Input Question #2a, 2b Answer individually ~4 minutes Collect at the table into the envelope
36 At the states discretion, be administered through a single summative assessment or be administer through multiple statewide interim assessments during the course of the academic year that result in a single summative score that provides, valid, reliable, and transparent information on student achievement or growth. ESSA § 1111(2)(B)(viii). ESSA Requirements
37 Alaska currently administers a summative assessment in April for ELA, math, and science. Currently in Alaska
38 Summative Progress Monitoring Diagnostic Screeners Formative Benchmark Interim Criterion referenced Program Assessments Norm-referenced Large-scale Standardized Through-course Assessment-literate educators know what the assessment is measuring, why it is being used, and how best to use the information from the assessment. Stiggins
39 Compare your definitions to the definitions on the resources. Discuss with a partner.
40 Norm-referenced tests are designed to compare and rank test takers in relation to one another. They report whether test takers performed better or worse than a hypothetical average student, which is determined by comparing scores against the results of a group of test takers, typically the same grade level, who have already taken the exam.(e.g., RIT scores, percentiles). Criterion-referenced tests measure student performance against a fixed set of predetermined criteria (i.e., descriptions of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage). Standards-based tests measure student understanding of identified standards, also known as "outcomes". The standards set the criteria for the successful demonstration of the understanding of a concept or skill.
41 “single summative assessment” OR “multiple statewide interim assessments during the course of the academic year that result in a single summative score that provides valid, reliable, and transparent information on student achievement or growth.” Clarification on assessment models allowed under ESSA.
42 Table activity Each person is given a role card Individually: Review the ESSA provisions for state’s choice of assessment models. Think about…what are your hunches about what people in the role you drew think about either of the assessment models? Group: From the point of view of your role card (NOT YOURSELF), talk about the benefits and challenges of the two models.
43 ESSA Emerging Voices Input Question #3a, 3b, 3c Answer individually ~7 minutes Collect at the table into the envelope
44 ELA & Math Standards Tested grades for ELA & math in high school The option of providing districts with a the choice to administer a nationally-recognized high school academic assessment Summative or interim model Science Standards Tested grades for science Adaptive assessment or fixed-form assessment Method for measuring complex skills (performance tasks, portfolios, etc.) Measuring growth (or not) and method Testing time limits
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