Early Years Team “ Looking After the Finances ” Important things that every Voluntary Management Committee etc. should know about
Early Years Team Exercise – “ Little Rascals ” Playgroup
Early Years Team Exercise – “ Little Rascals ” Playgroup It ’ s 1 st December. The previous Treasurer left without a full handover – you ’ ve hurriedly been asked to step in! You do have the records and some financial information, though The Committee ask you: “ Can the Playgroup get through to end of the Financial Year (31 st March)? ” There ’ s only one way to find out... So what do you need to do? PREPARE A CASH FLOW FORECAST
Early Years Team Late Payment and Fee Arrears Don ’ t let it happen: Your Setting ’ s policy: “ Sorry - It ’ s simply not allowed! ” ALWAYS Payment ‘ In Advance ’, and take Deposits if possible Monitor - and ACT PROMPTLY Fee Arrears is an issue for the Staff as well as the Committee (ultimately, no Fee Income = no money for Wages = no Job!) Defined Repayment Programme – realistic payback over a realistic Timescale What happens next? Tax Credits can help with affordability Don ’ t let THEIR problem become YOUR problem
Early Years Team Taking Precautions BANK ACCOUNT Always two to sign (from a Panel of 3-4) Update the Mandate every time someone moves on Reconcile the Statements to your own Records PETTY CASH Use a ‘ Float ’ system, and balance it regularly Treasurer to ‘ spot-check ’ from time to time Who is allowed access? (Convenience versus Security) Never use Fees money for Petty Cash EQUIPMENT Is there an Inventory of major equipment? Is Insurance adequate? RECORDS What would happen if your Computer was stolen or damaged?
Early Years Team Sustainability What do we mean by ‘ Sustainability ’ ? The Setting will still be around for the foreseeable future It will maintain an acceptable level of Quality, in its Care and in its Staff Management will identify and react to potential challenges for sustainability before they start to impact Effective sourcing, management and utilisation of Resources will therefore be a critical influence on Provider ’ s ability to survive and prosper. Main income stream will (in almost all cases) need to come from ‘ Fee Generation ’ The Setting will contribute towards regeneration and job creation
Early Years Team 10 Ways to Become & Stay Sustainable (1) 1.Build your Reserves – over time, aim for 3 months ’ cover of Operating Expenses & Staff Costs 2.Monitor your Occupancy – and do something about it if things start to dip 3.Set realistic Fees – know your break-even point, but remember, just ‘ breaking-even ’ will not be not enough 4.Don ’ t let Fee Arrears build up – but if they arise, DO SOMETHING QUICKLY 5.Protect yourselves with simple precautions against Fraud and Theft
Early Years Team 10 Ways to Become & Stay Sustainable (2) 6.Committee should insist on regular Management Information – and then USE IT! 7.Learn about how Tax Credits work – and help Parents to apply, then they can better afford your Fees 8.Get Training and Support for your Committee: From the Early Years Team From Community Accounting Plus 9.Talk to your Supervisor and Staff about these issues - they should have a keen interest in sustainability too. After all, it pays their wages! 10.Plan Ahead – sadly, almost everything takes longer, or is more complicated, than you think!
Early Years Team Reserves What are they? Money that isn ’ t yet committed to a specific purpose within this year ’ s Business Plan, but is being held back, either for a long-term project or ‘ just in case ’. Why do we need them? Recognition of financial management problems can be slow. Corrective action may take a while to work. So there may be a need to ‘ buy time ’ to tide you over while you address any unforeseen challenges. How much should we aim for? Ideally, Reserves equivalent to about 3 months worth of normal Operating Expenses, including Staff Costs, will be one of the main measures of a Setting ’ s stability and success. But we ’ re a ‘ Not For Profit ’ Setting! Don ’ t get confused between ‘ Profit ’ and ‘ Surplus ’. If it ’ s staying within the Setting, then as long as the amount is reasonable, making a modest Surplus to build-up Reserves is ‘ good practice ’.
Early Years Team Management Information Report The final trigger for most business failures is that they run out of cash – and time Proper monitoring by your Committee can give you time to prevent that happening You NEED a regular Management Information Report Three Key Areas to focus on: THE CASH: Where has the money gone so far, and where will it be going, compared to your Plan? THE OCCUPANCY: How much Childcare are you actually managing to sell – and what are the implications? THE FEE ARREARS: Are you actually getting paid what ’ s owed you for doing all this work?
Early Years Team Community Accounting Plus exists to enable good management in voluntary organisations. CA Plus believe that a well-managed organisation is more likely to deliver a more effective service to the people it exists to serve. Their job is to help them. C A Plus is a membership-based organisation, and a registered Charity. Full membership is open to any voluntary organisation Many services are free of charge to the groups, but the funding is fairly complex and the costs of services depend on a number of factors.
Early Years Team Accountancy Training Annual Accounts Book-keeping Payroll Services Advice about Employment Training Courses Services include: Contact Details: Community Accounting Plus 1st Floor, Pelham Street Nottingham NG1 2EG Telephone: Fax: k