Geraldine Gonzales-OGC Denise Peralta-CCRB Damian Segura-CCRB ACNM 02/15/16
A-1086 ◦ There are 16 items, we will review point by point Questions
◦ NMDOT Spec 108.1
◦ 23 C.F.R
Professional Services Suppliers
ml ml ◦ Construction EEO (on right) A-1086 Permission to Subcontract, A-1108 Checklist
NOW only 1 Form ◦ A-1086
Select Tier ◦ 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd Insert Name ◦ Select Contractor or Subcontractor
Department of Workforce Solutions Registration Number (DWS) ◦ Subcontracts over $60,000 NMSA(1978)
Verify Contractors Department of Work Force Solutions number. ◦ Click on “Listing of Registered Contractors” Search by Registration Number or Contractor Name
Data Universal Numbering System or DUNS Questions, visit the FAQ: ◦ NMDOT webpage/Doing Business/Contractor Prequalification
DUNS Verification ◦
Contractor Information
Projects with DBE goals ◦ A-585 and A-644 are required. Projects without DBE goals are not required to submit A-585 or submit subcontractors A- 644 forms
Projects with DBE goals must follow process detailed in 49 CFR §26.53 FHWA enforces the committed amount on subcontracts to DBE firms. ◦ Itemize work items ◦ Document contract changes Process for replacing a DBE subcontractor. ◦ Must follow process ◦ DBE must be replaces due to one of the reasons described in 49 CFR§26.53(f)(3)(i-x)
Good Faith Efforts required when project will fall short of DBE goal ◦ Must effort replacing DBE with another DBE that performs same work ◦ Attempt to identify and designate additional work to another DBE firm ◦ Document and Submit Efforts DBE Program Enforcement ◦ 49 CFR §26.53(f)(1)(B) – Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment for work or materials used unless it is performed or supplied by the listed DBE.
When required: ◦ With the permission to subcontract request; and ◦ Require its Subcontractors at any tier to submit an updated Disclosure to the Contractor at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the information contained in any Disclosure previously submitted by the Subcontractor. The Contractor shall immediately submit the same to the Project Manager.
LLL form
Per 31 U.S.C.A. § 1352 (d)(1)(A)(C)(2) exclusions exist regarding the requirements of this lobbying certification and completion of Disclosure. Some of the applicable exclusions are: ◦ 1.Payment of a reasonable compensation made to employed officers or employees of a person requesting or receiving Federal-aid funds. ◦ 2.A request of or receipt of a Contract that does not exceed $100,
PE or PE250 ◦ 10% or more of Total Original Contract Amount And 8 employees in the SAME JOB CLASSIFICATION purchasing/pay_equity.aspx
When Required ◦ If a Subcontractor, at any tier, performs ten percent or more of the Total Original Contract Amount and has ten or more employees or eight (8) employees in the same job classification then the Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager the PE or PE250. The Contractor shall submit the appropriate form with the permission to subcontract package forms A-1086 or A ◦ If a Subcontractor, at any tier, performs ten percent or more of the Total Original Contract Amount and during the performance of this Work grows to have ten or more employees or eight (8) employees in the same job classification then the Contractor shall immediately submit form PE or PE250. ◦ Subsequent form PE or PE250 submittals, by the Contractor for its Subcontractors, at any tier, shall be due yearly on the anniversary date of the Project Manager’s approval of the permission to subcontract package.
Previous List: New Description of items needed:
Wallet Card/License ◦ License No ◦ License Classification ◦ Contractor Search
Signature, at any tier Disclaimer ◦ Added for clarification regarding Subcontracts
Subcontractor’s Work ◦ What the Prime is paying the Sub ◦ If the Amount is over the Contract amount, use the amount the Sub is going to get paid
Percentage and total amounts Only list Percentage for 1 st tier ◦ All other tiers, list only items of work