Department of Community and Senior Services RFP# NFP-VDMR-01 Proposer’s Conference April 1, 2016
Welcome and Introductions Aging Branch Program/Planning Staff Contracts Management Division (CMD) Potential Proposers
VDMR Goals Client-centered volunteer driver program Targeted for elderly and disabled adults who have limited access or ability to access public transportation. Client recruits their own volunteer drivers. Contractor provides Client with money to reimburse volunteer drivers. CSS reimburses Contractor.
New Freedom Program “The New Freedom Program… supports new public transportation services and public transportation alternatives beyond those required by the ADA of 1990.” -FTA C CSS New Freedom Program enhances public transportation options by providing taxicab services for the elderly, disabled, and the general public, especially in areas not served by traditional transit.
Mileage Reimbursement Service Map Points of origin will only be from areas within Los Angeles County AND within the Los Angeles- Long Beach- Anaheim urbanized area. County will determine eligible points of origin.
VMDR Workflow CSS Mobility Manager determines client eligibility. Client recruits and vets own volunteer driver(s). Client submits mileage claim to Contractor. Driver provides rides to authorized destinations and Client tracks on mileage claim. Contractor requests reimbursement from County and provides mileage claim data/information. Contractor enters claim information onto online database and mails reimbursement check. CSS Mobility Manager consults Client to set mileage and destination limits.
Bidder’s Minimum Requirements Three years experience, within the past ten years, providing mileage reimbursement services to eligible Clients as stated in SOW. One year experience operating a case management system and database as required in SOW.
Funding Funding is estimated at $297,750 for first contract term. It is the intent of the County to enter into one (1) Contract with a qualified Proposer, who will serve the geographical requirements of the program. Contract award recommendations and the funding award amount are subject to the needs of the County and County Board Approval.
Rates/Reimbursement CSS will only reimburse the per mile unit rate as determined by Bidder’s Cost Proposal. Required Forms (Appendix D) Exhibit 11—Pricing Sheet Exhibit 13-Budget
Contract Term July 1, 2016-September 27, 2017 Contract term may be extended for an additional one (1) year The Contract is anticipated to commence on July 1, 2016, following Board of Supervisors’ award
Important Dates – RFP Timeline RFP Released-March 22, 2016 Request for a Solicitation Requirements Review- April 5, 2016 Proposer’s Conference- April 1, 2016 Written Questions Due– April 11, 2016 Questions and Answers Released- April 13, 2016 Proposals Due- April 22, 2016, 11:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) Tentative Date of Contract Award (Mailed) – mid- June 2016
RFP Evaluation Criteria Business Proposal (Weighed 60%): Executive Summary (Section A), Qualifications (Section B), Approach to Provide Required Services (Section C), Quality Control Plan (Section D), Green Initiatives (Section E), Acceptance of/Exceptions to SOW Requirements and Sample Contract, Terms and Conditions (Section F), Required Forms (Section G) Financial Capability (Section H) Cost Proposal (Weighed 40%):