[TITLE of MILITARY SERVICE] [Date SERVICE FORMED] [PLACE Service Crest HERE] [Your First/Last Name] [Date]
[Place a “screen capture” of the Service’s WEB-PAGE here] INSTRUCTIONS: Bring up the main webpage of the organization and use the “SHIFT” & “PRINT SCREEN” keys on your keyboard simultaneously (this will copy the page & turn it into a picture). Then open your Powerpoint briefing and use “PASTE” to imbed the picture of the page onto your slide. You will have to adjust the SIZE by grabbing the corners of the picture and adjust to fit onto your slide.
[Briefly describe the history of the service] HISTORYHISTORY
[Type the stated purpose/mission/goals of the SERVICE here] MISSIONMISSION
ORGANIZATION (Chain of Command) [ You can use this (above) template for the organizational chart or build your own ] Start with the SERVICE Secretary or Governmental leader
LOCATIONSLOCATIONS [make a list or use a map to depict where this service is based throughout the US & overseas (key locations)].
MAJOR EQUIPMENT [make a list with a brief description & photos of the major pieces of equipment used; ships, aircraft, tanks, etc]
CAREER OPPORTUNTIES [list what professions/jobs you can have in this service and what promotion opportunities are available to anyone]
CONCLUSION / SUMMARY Summarize what you learned about this service