©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 1 Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program Update Gina Spang, P.E., Chief of Staff Kristen DeCato, Director, Procurement and Risk Management May 4, 2016 Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program Update Gina Spang, P.E., Chief of Staff Kristen DeCato, Director, Procurement and Risk Management May 4, 2016
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 2 Overview of OSPP Legislation What is Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program (OSPP)? Included as part of the State Biennial Budget Gives the Milwaukee County Executive the authority to appoint a Commissioner of the OSPP County Executive Abele appointed Dr. Demond Means the OSPP Commissioner Statute sets forth the duties of the Commissioner and the structure of the program
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 3 Overview of OSPP Legislation Duties and Obligations of the OSPP Commissioner Create policies and conduct a qualitative analysis of each eligible school as identified by DPI (10/15/15 DPI Letter) Engage school and community at large to determine level of interest for transfer of school to the program Develop partnerships to more effectively deploy wraparound services to residents of the county Engage in general oversight of schools transferred to the program
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 4 Overview of OSPP Legislation Duties of the Commissioner, cont’d Initiate an RFP process to select a group or person to operate and/or manage the school Transfer schools to the OSPP on the following timeline During school year, select at least one and no more than three schools , select not more than three schools , select not more than five schools Subsequent years, select not more than five schools
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 5 Commissioner’s Proposal On April 21, 2016, the Commissioner outlined his proposal to the Milwaukee Board of School Directors and Superintendent Driver for consideration. The following slides outline the proposal.
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 6 Proposal Overview Key Excerpts from the Commissioner’s Proposal as presented April 21, 2016 “The partnership between Milwaukee Public Schools and the Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program would ensure that MPS retains governance input on management, avoiding the need to see a partnership with a private charter management operator.” “The OSPP would retain all current MPS employees.” “MPS would resume sole management of struggling schools after 60 months and achievement of set turnaround goals.”
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 7 Key Excerpts from the Commissioner’s Proposal as presented April 21, 2016 cont’d “The locally elected officials of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors would retain many of their statutory powers under Wis. Stat. § ” “The per-pupil funding provided to the OSPP would be returned to MPS, where it would be distributed in support of objectives of school turnaround efforts.” Proposal Overview
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 8 Proposed Programming Efforts Academy of Urban School Leadership of Chicago AVID; Advancement Via Individual Determination University of Virginia Proposed Wraparound Partnerships FAST; Families and Students Together YMCA State and Local Agencies Milwaukee County Government Academic Details of the Proposal
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 9 The Commissioner has provided a School Readiness Assessment (SRA) Protocol as a tool to determine schools for possible selection for OSPP. Next Steps and Timeline April 22 - May 5, school teams complete Phase 1 of the SRA Protocol May 5 - 9, 2016 No more than 10 schools are selected to participate in Phase 2 of the SRA Protocol May 9 – 23, 2016 No more than 8 schools are selected for SRA site visits After May 23, 2016 OSPP School(s) Selected
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 10 Next Steps DistrictSchool Sites Remain focused on improving student outcomes Provide SRA Protocol required data Complete SRA Protocol Organize informational meetings by geographic regions Invite school communities to informational meetings Provide informational updates as they become available Share district informational updates with families and staff
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 11 Questions? Please take this time to identify questions that your principal will forward to the district administration.
©2015 Milwaukee Public Schools 12 Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program Update MPS Board of School Directors MPS Senior Team Michael Bonds, Ph.D., President, District 3 Larry Miller, Vice President, District 5 Mark Sain, District 1 Wendell J. Harris, Sr., District 2 Annie Woodward, District 4 Tatiana Joseph, Ph.D., District 6 Claire Zautke, District 7 Carol Voss, District 8 Terrence Falk, At-Large Darienne B. Driver, Ed.D., Superintendent Gina Spang, P.E., Chief of Staff Tonya Adair, Chief Innovation & Information Officer Daniel Chanen, J.D., Chief Human Capital Officer Ruth Maegli, Chief Academic Officer Gerald Pace, J.D., Chief Financial Officer Wendell Willis, Chief Operations Officer Keith Posley, Ed.D., Chief School Administration Officer Sue Saller, Executive Coordinator, Superintendent’s Initiatives Ashley Lee, Special Assistant to the Superintendent