Medical Research Policy at the ARC Monash University 11 April 2016 Dr Fiona Cameron, Executive Director Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
Web: I ARC Medical Research Policy
Commonwealth Investment in R&D 2015–16 (%)
Web: I ARC Medical Research Policy (1) “The ARC may fund health and medical research, either in concert with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) or directly, to address specific Australian Government health and medical research priorities, however, the ARC does not normally fund health and medical research through its competitive funding schemes.”
Web: I ARC Medical Research Policy (2) “If the ARC determines that a proposal is at risk of not being considered by either agency (ARC or NHMRC), the ARC reserves the right to deem such a proposal eligible for assessment.”
Web: I A4Proposal Summary Summarise the aims of the Project first. Next, provide the broader context for the research and its significance. Outline anticipated outcomes and benefit, both scholarly and public or commercial. This may include some text from the Impact Statement When describing benefits ensure the description is consistent with the ARC Medical Research Policy Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2017—Instructions to Applicants
Web: I C3Medical Research Statement Proposals which could be considered to be in an area related to medical research should provide justification in support of the eligibility of the Proposal with reference to the ARC Medical Research Policy on the ARC websiteARC Medical Research Policy The ARC may rely solely on the information within this proposal and request no further information to determine eligibility. Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2017—Instructions to Applicants
Web: I C4Medical Research Statement Be as clear as possible in your response as to the main aim of the proposal. This may include well identified big picture and long term intent beyond the scope of the proposal. Address why areas of research which may appear to be medical are required, for example to provide proof of concept, demonstrate a platform technology and are many years from medical application. Avoid simply quoting the policy in your response and provide sufficient detail for the ARC to properly understand the intent and limits of the research aims. A decision on eligibility may be made on the sole basis of this information. ARC Centres of Excellence for funding commencing in 2017— Full Proposal Instructions to Applicants
Web: I Priorities for Industrial Transformation Research Programme The Industrial Transformation Priorities are priority research areas identified by the ARC which will be updated from round to round. The priorities for Industrial Transformation Research Hubs for funding commencing in 2015 and Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding commencing in 2016 are: Advanced Manufacturing Food and Agribusiness Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Mining Equipment, Technology and Services Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals. Source:
Web: I FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS For schemes under the Linkage Programme for the years 2015–2017 However, please note that Subsection A5.1.4 of the Funding Rules states that if the Industrial Transformation Priorities include a medical research-related priority, IH15 and IC16 proposals addressing the priority may be submitted, having regard to the objectives of the relevant scheme.
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