Essential Question: What are the causes and effects of African migration? Do Now: Give three reasons why you would move to another city?
Vocabulary Migration: a permanent move from one country or region to another. Push-pull factors: These factors can push people out of an area or pull them to move to a different place. Bantu-speaking people: Small groups of people who for about 1500 years moved southward to different places in Africa. They spread their language and culture.
Migration Cultural Interaction (effects of migration on the African culture) –Relocation of large numbers of Bantu- speaking people brings cultural diffusion and change to southern Africa –Migration continues to shape the modern world
Bantu Migration
Causes of Migration Population increased because of farming They went south because to the north was the Sahara They needed more land for farming. Climate change (became too hot…so they moved) Disagreements between people
Effects of Migration The Bantu interacted with other people they met spreading their culture, language and technology (iron-making and woodworking) They intermarried with other tribes They exchanged culture and ideas The Bantu migration was a unifying force for the continent of Africa.
Movement of People