Horizon 2020 Ian Devine European Advisor – UK Research Office University of Manchester, 11 September 2014
From FP7 to Horizon 2020 Objectives Gender balance in decision-making Gender balance in research teams Gender dimension in research and innovation content Calls on gender equality Implementation Resources
Horizon 2020
Framework Programme (Regulation of Establishment): FP7: Gender mentioned in Annex Horizon 2020: Art 14.1.l: Gender as cross-cutting issue within H2020 priorities Art 16: Gender equality and gender dimension at all stages of research cycle Art 31.1 & 32.3: Gender in monitoring and evaluation ipants/data/ref/h2020/legal_basis/ fp/h2020-eu-establact_en.pdf
Rules for Participation: FP7: Reasonable gender balance among experts Horizon 2020: Art 13.4: Gender dimension addressed in proposals Art 18.5: Gender equality in Model Grant Agreement Art 40.2: Gender balance among experts sis/rules_participation/h2020-rules-participation_en.pdf
Horizon 2020
Three objectives underpin gender equality activities in Horizon 2020: Fostering gender balance in Horizon 2020 research teams Ensuring gender balance in decision-making Integrating gender/sex analysis in research and innovation (R&I) content Guidance on Gender equality in Horizon 2020: ts_manual/hi/gender/h2020-hi-guide-gender_en.pdf ts_manual/hi/gender/h2020-hi-guide-gender_en.pdf
Work Programme Encourages balanced participation in research teams/management Proposal Indicate gender of person responsible for carrying out the project’s R&I activities (Section 4 ‘Members of the consortium’) Evaluation In case of ex aequo, gender balance may become ranking factor Grant Agreement Beneficiaries “must aim, to the extent possible, for a gender balance at levels of personnel assigned to the action, including at supervisory and managerial level” (Art 33.1) Reporting (under discussion) Workforce statistics by gender
Gender to be discussed in proposal under ‘excellence’
Advisory Groups Equal balance target - 50% men/women At least one expert with gender expertise in each group Gender experts from different groups also to meet in ad hoc formation
Expert evaluators Target of 40% of under-represented sex in the composition of panels, taking into account the situation in the specific field Gender equality and content of research experts evaluate Expertise in Gender to be evidenced with appropriate work Evaluator briefings included tailored section on gender
Work Programme Explicitly integrated into several topics across all sections - flagged Proposal Where relevant, describe how sex and/or gender analysis is taken into account in the project’s content (Section 1.3 ‘Concept and approach’) Evaluation If relevant, as other parts of the proposal Grant Agreement If gender dimension addressed in proposal, will also be part of Annex II Reporting (under discussion) As other relevant issues in periodic reports
Gender of project participants to be included
Horizon 2020
Identifying gender-flagged topics through Participant Portal: ‘Quick finder’ option: ortunities/h2020/search/search_topics.html Keyword search
In Work Programme part on ‘Science with and for Society’ (2014/15): Topic Type of action Budget GERI Innovative approach to communication encouraging girls to study science CSA€1.5m GERI Impact of gender diversity on Research & Innovation RIA€1m GERI Evaluation of initiatives to promote gender equality in research policy and research organisations RIA€2m GERI Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans CSA€14m
Horizon 2020
While signing the Grant Agreement, beneficiaries “…must take all measures to promote equal opportunities between men and women in the implementation of the action” and “must aim, to the extent possible, for a gender balance at all levels of personnel assigned to the action, including at supervisory and managerial level” The Commission will assess the implementation of the above-mentioned obligation along with other commitments of the beneficiaries
The Commission will monitor the implementation of gender as a cross-cutting issue, at various stages in the funding process. The following are Specific Performance Indicators for Horizon 2020, starting to be collected in 2016, on an annual basis: Inclusion of gender in the content of research (number of projects including gender analysis in the content of research - products, instruments, methods, technologies, prototypes); Workforce statistics by gender (number in FTE10 and gender of projects' staff), technicians, administrative staff (including legal)
The following Indicators will be used on an annual basis to determine the prevalence of gender as a cross-cutting issue: % of women MSCA Fellows, starting to be collected in % of women as ERC principle investigators, starting to be collected in % of women in advisory groups, expert groups, evaluation groups and panels, starting to be collected in % of projects with gender dimension in the project design, starting to be collected in 2015.
…within H2020 projects A novelty of Horizon 2020 is the inclusion of gender training among the eligible costs of an action. The aim is to help researchers to further develop and share gender expertise in relation to the funded project. …of Commission staff Systematic training for those involved in the drafting and the implementation of work programmes. Two types of training: basic for general awareness and specific to individual Challenges/ Programmes.
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 Grants Manual contains section on gender balance e_docs.html#h2020-grants-manual-hi-gb GenPORT – online community of practitioners for sharing knowledge and inspire collaboration Vademecum on Gender Equality in Horizon 2020 (draft available on GenPORT website) Gender Innovations innovations/index_en.cfm For questions: