April 2013 Update on ITU’s work related to the elaboration of a working definition of the term ‘ICT’ For more information see: or contact the Secretariat at: (Correspondence Group established under ITU-D Study Group 1 in September 2012)
April 2013 Background The Correspondence Group for the “Elaboration of a working definition of the term ‘ICT’”, was established during the September 2012 plenary of ITU-D Study Group 1. The agreed composition of the Group is as follows: Open to all ITU Member States, and Sector Members, Associates, Academia of ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D. The chair/convener is ITU-D Study Group 1 Chair Ms Roxanne McElvane (United States of America) and co-convener is the Chairman of TDAG, Dr. Vladimir Minkin (Russian Federation). A Circular Letter (BDT/IP/CSTG/014) was sent out in October 2012 to the ITU membership informing them about the creation of the new Correspondence Group and inviting members to participate in the work of the Group.BDT/IP/CSTG/014 A liaison statement was sent from Study Group 1 to ITU-T and ITU-R Study Group Chairmen, Chairmen of TSAG, TDAG, RAG, Chairmen of CCV and SCV inviting them to participate in and provide input to the work of the Group.
April 2013 Tools and timeline Dedicated website: /groups/definition/index.html /groups/definition/index.html An reflector/mailing list was created to support the work of the Correspondence Group. The mailing list has around 100 members In order to report to Council in 2014 on the outcomes of the work to elaborate a working definition of the term ICT, a timeline was agreed at the Study Group 1 meeting in September In consultation with the Chair of Study Group 1 the deadline for contributions was extended to 31 January Contributions are still in April 2013 being submitted for consideration by the Correspondence Group and posted on the website as they come in.
April 2013 Contributions received To date 30 contributions have been received (4 April 2013). The following members have submitted contributions for consideration by the Group (by region): Africa: Cape Verde, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Rwanda (Republic of), Tanzania, Zimbabwe Americas: Brazil, United States of America Arab States: Egypt, Mobinil (Egypt) Asia and the Pacific: Nepal Telecommunications Authority (Nepal), Japan CIS: Belarus (Republic of), Russian Federation, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov (Ukraine), Azerbaijan Technical University (Azerbaijan) Europe: Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania (joint contribution), Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), United Kingdom, Italy, Poland Liaisons: Chairman, ITU-T Standardization Committee for Vocabulary, ITU- T Study Group 16 (multimedia), ITU-T Study Group 5 (environment & climate change), ITU-T Study Group 2 (operational aspects), Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 2, ITU-T Study Group 11 (protocols and test specifications).
April 2013 Next Steps The next steps include analyzing the input received from the members and working closely with the Chairman of Study Group 1 to prepare a draft report on the work of the Group. This draft report providing the preliminary results of the work of the Group is to be finalized by April The report is to be submitted to: ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 for their September 2013 meetings Relevant Groups in the other Sectors 2013 session of TDAG in 2013 The Final Report is to be presented to Council in 2014 and to the Plenipotentiary Conference in 2014.