About color themes Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) dark backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds for handouts. 1 ! 2 Counterfactual case Map of proposal to be submitted to Governments ESESCR partnership introduction Regional economic profile current state Key indicators & view of future state Infrastructure package Future impact of interventions on the economy Governance & delivery structure for the deal Evidence of support from all sectors Skills, innovation & knowledge package Funding / joint working proposals Part 1: Defining the need for a Regional City Deal Vision & objectives of the deal Part 2: The ask of Government & evidencing its impact Part 3: Delivery & governance Defining the need for a Regional City Deal A set of outline propositions to Government Interventions based on growth areas Interventions based on key themes Full proposals to be developed through Sept - Nov High level draft by 4 th Sept Full Governance structure defined through Sept - Nov Completion by 4 th September
Why does the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region need a City Region Deal? While the region on the whole is successful, responsible for over 30% of the Scottish economy, the wealth is not distributed across the region More local responsibility for budgets, skills development and infrastructure will allow us to address this issue and increase productivity across the region Part 1: Defining the need for a City Deal
About color themes Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) dark backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds for handouts. 1 ! 2 Part 3: A robust Governance and Delivery Structure and evidence of support Governance and Delivery Draft structure only to be outlined for 4 th September Evidence of support 140 attendees at the Business Breakfast 17 th August Growing cross party political support Backing from local University partners
About color themes Choose the appropriate design theme for your presentation. The first two options on the design tab are correct EY themes, these two are the only ones that should be used. (1) dark backgrounds for onscreen; (2) light backgrounds for handouts. 1 ! 2 Timeline for accelerating growth Proposal development 4 September 2015 Submission Initial draft proposal submission to UK & Scottish Government Implementation 25 November 2015 CSR Review Consultations, negotiations & Council approval