Grant Seeking & Writing for P12 Teachers Proposal OutlineFunding SourcesFunding PlanGrants 101 Overview An introduction to the challenges facing educators and administrators in P12 contexts related to funding and resources available to apply for grants. Objectives 1.Create a funding plan for your context 2.Identify grant sources 3.Draft a proposal outline Faciltator Tonia A. Dousay, Ph.D. University of Wyoming Overview
Grant Seeking & Writing for P12 Teachers Proposal OutlineFunding SourcesFunding Plan Ideas & Misconceptions Grants 101
Grant Seeking & Writing for P12 Teachers Proposal OutlineFunding SourcesGrants 101 Draft Budget Funding Plan Stakeholders What to buy Pricing Prompts You Administrators Granting organization Equipment Supplies Manpower Tax exempt Free for education Price comparison Justification Reporting
Grant Seeking & Writing for P12 Teachers Proposal OutlineFunding PlanGrants 101 Sources Funding Sources 50 Classroom & School Grants Other search engine
Grant Seeking & Writing for P12 Teachers Funding SourcesFunding PlanGrants 101 Task 1.Prepare a funding plan for a project 2.Create a draft budget 1.Search for 1-2 potential funding sources 2.Share results with a partner 3.Choose one opportunity to pursue 4.Draft an outline for your proposal 1.Share outline with a partner 5.Revise based on feedback Proposal Outline