Human Resources - Recruitment and selection - Employment rights and responsibilities - Rewarding staff - Training
Open these slides from the shared area Business Studies/year 11/8 Theory/Revision/session 2
2.1 Recruitment and Selection of Staff be aware of the different types of contracts: temporary, part-time and permanent and know their most important features, e.g. job position, place of work, hours of work and salary understand the process involved in the recruitment and selection of staff, both internally and externally be aware of the methods used to recruit staff including notice boards, job centres, agencies, advertisements in newspapers and the trade press, as well as the increasing use of the internet to recruit on line know how to match a person’s knowledge and skills obtained from an application form and Curriculum Vitae (CV) against a job description and person specification to produce a short-list of candidate
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Open the “Steps in recruitment” document and put the steps in the recruitment process in the correct order. Business Studies/year 11/Unit 8 Theory/9 Recruitment and Selection/0 steps in recruitment
Identify Vacancy Write a Job Description Write a Person Specification Advertise the job Send application form Receive applications Shortlist candidates Interview Select best candidate Make Job offer Create a contract of employment Give induction training
A document explaining what a job involves. Includes: ◦ Title ◦ Place of work ◦ Main duties ◦ Reports to ◦ Responsible for
Skills, Qualifications, Experience and Personal Qualities needed for the job ◦ Essential – must have ◦ Desirable – nice to have Skills – what you can do Qualifications – what certificates you have Experience – what you’ve done before Qualities – what you are like
External Methods Local newspaper National newspaper Professional journal Job Centre Recruitment agency Website Careers Service Shop window Head hunting Internal Methods Noticeboard Company newsletter Intranet
How quickly vacancy needs to be filled Pay Skills, qualifications and experience needed Local supply and demand for jobs Importance of job to organisation Size of organisation
Matching a pile of CVs to the job description and person specification and choosing the best candidates for interview.
2.4 Employment Rights and Responsibilities be aware of current legislation affecting employment rights and responsibilities and equal opportunities such as those relating to discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, disability and age
It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of: ◦ age ◦ being or becoming a transsexual person ◦ being married or in a civil partnership ◦ being pregnant or having a child ◦ disability ◦ race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin ◦ religion, belief or lack of religion/belief ◦ sex ◦ sexual orientation
Requires that pay rates are the same for identical or similar jobs. Equal Pay Act 1970
Makes it illegal for people to be discriminated against on the grounds of their gender. Sex Discrimination Act 1975
Outlaws discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality and ethnic origin. Race Relations Act 1976
Makes it illegal for an employer to treat a disabled person less favourably for a reason which relates to the disabled person’s disability. Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Makes it unlawful for employers and others to discriminate against a person on the basis of his/her age. Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 updated by Equality Act 2010
Gives everyone the right to a minimum amount to be paid depending on their age. National Minimum Wage Act 1988
What is the difference between and wages and a salary? ◦ Wages are paid on an hourly or piece rate basis (usually to manual or non-skilled workers) ◦ Salaries are paid on a yearly basis (usually to office workers or management) ◦ Both are usually paid monthly What does the payroll department do? ◦ Payroll is the department that works out how much each worker is to be paid.
Bonuses Commission Profit sharing Piece work Overtime Fringe Benefits
What is Gross Pay? Wages or salary before any deductions are made, not the amount of money you get to take home What is Net Pay? The amount of wages or salary left after all deductions. The amount paid into the employees bank account
What is National Insurance? National Insurance is a percentage of taxable income that is paid to the government by an employee. It is usually paid direct by the employer. You pay National Insurance contributions to build up your entitlement to certain state benefits, including the State Pension. What is Income Tax? The amount of tax paid to the government by an employee. Usually paid direct by the employer. A percentage of the taxable income. The difference? Income tax is paid on all income (e.g. from stocks and shares, interest etc.). NI is only paid on earnings and stops when you reach pension age.
What does BACS stand for? ◦ Bank’s Automated Clearing System What is it? ◦ A method of automatically transferring pay into an employees account.
2.2 Training be aware of how a business can develop and train its staff both in-house and externally be able to choose the most appropriate method of training for particular purposes (induction; in-house; off-the-job) be able to identify the benefits of staff development training both to the individual and the business
Ultimately training produces staff who know their job and are more motivated and productive.
Trained staff are better at their job Training can give staff skills to do new jobs Training can keep staff up to date with changes to the business (e.g. changes in ICT) Training helps motivate staff – they feel that they are progressing which might make them stay longer
Employees can do their job better which increases job satisfaction and motivation Employees with new skills might be promoted to jobs with better pay and more responsibility Employees might be able to get better jobs with other businesses and meet their career ambitions