Office of Financial Responsibility and Data Management SWIA.


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Presentation transcript:

Office of Financial Responsibility and Data Management SWIA

Today’s Topics DEQ Update Recycling Update SWIA/Recycling Summary Proposed Changes

Stakeholder Conference “Future of Solid Waste Management In Virginia: A Discussion with DEQ” 5 Organizations 120 Attendees Topics:  PermittingGroundwaterComposting  ComplianceRecyclingPlanning

What's Been Going On? Recycling:  DONE or IN PROGRESS: Overlap of the Solid Waste Information Assessment (SWIA) and Recycling Rate Report Discussion with VDOT on Roadside Recycling  PLANNED: Guidance on MRF. v. Recycling Center Guidance on Beneficial Use Demonstrations Composting:  DONE: Training with VCC  PLANNED: Guidance on Exemptions/Exclusions

What's Been Going On? Communications: – DONE: News Feeds: sFeeds.aspx – PLANNED: Work Group on Risk Communication Solid Waste Planning:  DONE: Periodic Review of Solid Waste Planning Regs Session with SVSWMA, NVWMB Next session is with CVWMA  PLANNED: Targeted Planning Sessions Around State Revisions to the Regulations

Recycling and Solid Waste Management Tracking in Virginia

Bland Buchanan Dickenson Grayson Lee Russell Scott Smyth Tazewell Washington Abingdon Wise Wythe Bristol City Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Botetourt Brunswick Buckingham Campbell Caroline Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isle Of Wight James City King And Queen King William Lancaster Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Shenandoah Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Warren Westmoreland York Alexandria City Charlottesville City Chesapeake City Danville City Fairfax City Hampton City Lynchburg Norfolk Richmond City Roanoke Salem City Suffolk City Virginia Beach City Portsmouth City Newport News City King George Fredericksburg Woodbridge Harrisonburg Lorton Springfield 17 Solid Waste Planning Units required to report annually 25 Solid Waste Planning Units reporting voluntarily for CY Solid Waste Planning Units not required to report annually and not reporting for CY 2014 Recycling Rate Reporting 2014

Other Data Reporting Large retailers such as Target and Walmart submit recycling data to DEQ. This information is available for planning units to use when calculating its recycling rate. DEQ posts the Target and Walmart spreadsheets as soon as they are available for your access from the recycling webpage: ctionRevitalization/RecyclingandLitterPreventio nPrograms.aspx

Virginia’s Annual Recycling Rate

MSW Management Data DEQ is working to determine if the annual recycling rate report (RRR) data and the SWIA data can be integrated into a summary report to allow for a better overview of waste management activities within the 71 Solid Waste Planning Units and as represented in the Solid Waste Plans

Tracking SW Management SWIA - Solid Waste Information Assessment (Report) Owners or operators of all permitted facilities that treat, store, or dispose of solid waste to report by March 31 of each year the amount of solid waste, by weight or volume, received and managed in the Commonwealth during the preceding calendar year

Population – U.S. Census Bureau RegionSWPU - Required to Report in 2015 Estimated 2014 Population Percentage of Region Population Percentage of State Population BRRO-L Region 2000 (counties of Nelson, Appomattox and Campbell; cities of Lynchburg and Bedford)164, %1.9% BRRO-R Montgomery Regional Solid Waste Authority SWPU (Montgomery County, Blacksburg and Christiansburg)97, %1.1% NROAlexandria (City) SWPU150,5755.1%1.8% NROArlington County SWPU226,9087.6%2.7% NROFairfax County SWPU1,137, %13.4% NROLoudoun County SWPU363, %4.3% NROPrince William County SWPU446, %5.2% NRO Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board SWPU (Stafford County and city of Fredericksburg)168,3425.7%2.0% NROSpotsylvania County SWPU129,1884.3%1.5%

Common Data Points from Recycling & SWIA Data Recycle Rate ReportSolid Waste Information & Assessment (SWIA)Combined Paper Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) MSW Metal Construction/Demo/Debris (CDD) CDD Plastic Other Glass Vegetative/Yard (VW/YW) Metal/White Goods Co-Mingled (M/P/G) Tires Yard Waste White Goods VW/YW Waste Wood Industrial Textiles Regulated Medical Tires Incineration Ash Used Oil Sludge Used Oil Filters Friable Asbestos Used Antifreeze Petroleum Contaminated Soils Batteries Electronics Inoperative Motor Vehicles Other

All 17 Reporting SWPUs Population - 6,410, % State 2014 SWIA Data for All Regions Permitted Facilities Data from 2014 RRR Report Recycled Amounts in Tons Facility TypeWaste TypeTons Received Recycled Composted Mulched Total Tons Disposed in LandfillTotal MSW Disposed Other Total 1,237,898MSW LandfillMSW3,898,56540,801 3,641,900 5,558,111 Metal Total 498,001MSW LandfillCDD814,23655, ,927 Tires Total 30,767MSW LandfillOther190,71321,342 83,904 VW/YW Total 689,546MSW LandfillTires12,4845,060 1,839 PRM Total 2,456,212MSW LandfillVW/YW155,053138,594 8,341 MSW LandfillWhite Goods9,4449,354 0 Total MSW DisposedMSW LandfillTotal5,080,495270,948 4,449,911 Household3,472,554CDD LandfillCDD1,383,507298,244 Commercial552,069CDD LandfillOther16,74917,549 Instutional51,094CDD LandfillTires2633 Other159CDD LandfillVW/YW34,86728,753 Total MSW Disposed4,075,876CDD LandfillTotal1,439,895344,549 Total MSW Generation6,975,856Materials Recovery FacilityCDD957,365385,220 Materials Recovery FacilityMSW461,03566,020 Total MSW Disposed SWIA 4,168,583 Materials Recovery FacilityOther237,611204,309 75% of 5,558,111 Materials Recovery FacilityTires61,98265,214 Materials Recovery FacilityVW/YW0121 Materials Recovery FacilityTotal1,753,763745,524 CompostMSW2,4082,389 CompostOther1,9421,903 CompostVW/YW145,306128,441 CompostTotal149,656538,552 Waste to EnergyMSW1,858,14119,486 Waste to EnergyOther1,0307,378

NRO SWPU Population 2,979, % State NRO Data from 2014 SWIA Report Permitted Facilities Data from 2014 RRR Report Recycled Amounts in TonsFacility TypeWaste TypeTotal Tons Received Recycled Composted Mulched Total Tons Disposed in LandfillTotal MSW Disposed Other Total 528,891MSW LandfillMSW933,05421,276910,6091,912,905 Metal Total 204,263MSW LandfillCDD250,84355,653177,121 Tires Total 13,744MSW LandfillOther57,0072,1455,983 VW/YW Total 296,797MSW LandfillTires7,0682, PRM Total 1,043,695MSW LandfillVW/YW73,20472,0130 MSW LandfillWhite Goods7,3797,3590 Total NRO MSW DisposedMSW LandfillTotal1,328,555161,0441,094,425 Household1,113,034CDD LandfillCDD720,532288,398 Commercial287,243CDD LandfillTires33 Instutional33,633CDD LandfillVW/YW4,184 Other159CDD LandfillTotal724,719292,585 Total MSW Disposed1,434,069Materials Recovery FacilityCDD472,590148,715 Total MSW Generation2,568,619Materials Recovery FacilityMSW168,9153,824 Materials Recovery FacilityOther38,40934,651 PopulationMaterials Recovery FacilityTires4,9054,859 SWPU% of RegionMaterials Recovery FacilityTotal684,819192,049 Alexandria 5.1%CompostVW/YW73,82457,539 Arlington Co 7.6%Waste to EnergyMSW996,3130 Fairfax Co38.2%Waste to EnergyOther06,394 Loudoun Co12.2%Waste to EnergyWhite Goods122 Prince William Co15.0%Waste to EnergyTotal996,4356,516 Rappahannock Regional5.7%Transfer StationCDD48,52827,583 Spotsylvania Co4.3%Transfer StationMSW607, Total88.1%Transfer StationOther4,8001,158 Total MSW Disposed SWIA 1,685,269Transfer StationTires % of 1,912,905 Transfer StationVW/YW30,81930,624 Transfer StationWhite Goods2,5502,501 Transfer StationTotal694,73162,233

Facility Name Permit Number Capacity in Tons as of 12/2014 Landfilled in 2014 (Tons) Expected Remaining Permitted Life (Years)Region Accomack County Northern LandfillSWP46199, , TRO Accomack County - Southern LandfillSWP091000TRO Amherst County Landfill Permit Number 563SWP563420, , BRRO Atlantic Waste Disposal IncSWP56255,049, ,186, PRO Augusta Regional LandfillSWP5854,543, , VRO Battle Creek LandfillSWP5792,895, , VRO Bedford County - Sanitary LandfillSWP560220, , BRRO Bedford Town - Hylton SiteSWP5697, , BRRO BFI Old Dominion LandfillSWP5532,107, , PRO Botetourt County LandfillSWP58216, BRRO MSW Landfill Capacity

Data Goals 1. Solid Waste Plans should document all solid waste activities, past, current and proposed/future, within the Solid Waste Planning Unit (SWPU) 2. SWIA data can be used as a starting point for the RRR waste disposed/recycled reporting

Revisions to RR Form Listing of sources for PRM data (consider only Virginia generated waste material) Permitted solid waste facilities from which MSW disposed/recycled data was collected: (SWIA) _(Example: Loudoun County Landfill)__________ ___________________________________________ Other facilities/operations (not included in #1 above) from which MSW disposed/recycled data was collected: __(Example: Walmart)________________________ ___________________________________________

Contact Information Reporting Solid Waste Planning Unit: _______________________________________ Person Completing This Form:__________________________________________ Title:__________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ Street/P.O. BoxCityState Zip Phone #:(_____)_____________Fax #:(_____)____________ Address:______________________________________________________ Member Governments (The local governments identified in your regional solid waste management plan and whose data is included in this report): ________________________________________________________________________ Due to the complexity and difficulty in obtaining data, this report reflects the best efforts of the solid waste planning unit to represent its recycling efforts for CY Data in this report was collected from our recycling and solid waste facilities, and from other recycling sources, including non-governmental entities. I certify that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this form and any attached documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. These records will be made available for auditing purposes, if requested. Authorized SignatureTitleDate Proposed Changes to Recycling Rate Report Form, Page 1

Part I: Principal Recyclable Materials (PRMs): Report only PRM material generated within the reporting SWPU and recycled, NOT imported PRMs for recycling. PRM TYPERECYCLED AMOUNT (TONS) Paper____________________ (no decimals please, Metal____________________ round to whole tons) Plastic____________________ Glass____________________ Commingled (also known as Single Stream)____________________ Yard Waste (composted or mulched)____________________ Waste wood (chipped or mulched)____________________ Textiles____________________ Tires____________________ Used Oil__________________ Used Oil Filters____________________ Used Antifreeze____________________ Batteries____________________ Electronics____________________ Inoperative Motor Vehicles (see guidance)____________________ Other (specify: ______________________)____________________ TOTAL PRMs_____________________(PRMs) (Enter Total on Page 2, Step 1) Listing of sources for PRM data (consider only Virginia generated waste material) Permitted solid waste facilities from which MSW disposed/recycled data was collected: 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________ Other facilities/operations (not included in #1 above) from which MSW disposed/recycled data was collected: 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________ Proposed Changes to Recycling Rate Report Form, Page 3


DEQ Contact Information Leslie Beckwith – Steve Coe – Virginia Butler – Sanjay Thirunagari – VA DEQ, Division of Land Protection & Revitalization 629 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA Website: