Monroe County Population approximately 74,809; 54,8181 residential homes; About 65% full time residents; 5 cities + Unincorporated County; 2012 there were approximately 4,405,662 visitors; 6,883 registered Hotel – B&B – Resort Condo rooms in the City of Key West alone; United States Census Bureau 2007 has 13,973 businesses listed in Monroe County with 27 grocery stores; 37,414 private vehicles registered not counting businesses, county, fire, ems, police etc.; 59 Auto repair shops from Key West to Marathon on average 1 per mile.
Monroe County's Household Hazardous Waste Program E-Waste and battery recycling; Mercury containing bulbs, UV lamps etc.; Gasoline, oil, antifreeze; HHW, paints, stains, chemicals, pesticides, spray cans; Propane cylinders and tanks must be empty with valves removed.
HHW NOT ACCEPTED Ammunition (Contact Sherriff's Department) Flares (Contact Sheriff's Department) Medications (Contact Sherriff’s Department) Needles/Bio-waste (Contact Fire Department) Radioactive (Contact The Environmental Protection Agency)
Leaking Or Unidentified HHW Leaking HHW must be placed in a sealed container and kept separate from other HHW; Leaking lead sealed batteries must be placed in a sealed container; Any unidentified HHW must be clearly marked unidentified chemical and be kept separate from other HHW.
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators. (CESQGs) CESQGs generate 220 lbs. or less per month of hazardous waste or 2.2 lbs. or less of acutely hazardous waste; EPA Waste Codes; CSEQGs must identify all hazardous waste generated; CESQGs can not accumulate more than 2,204 lbs. of hazardous waste at any time; CESQGs must ensure that hazardous waste is delivered to a person or facility who is authorized to manage it.
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators. (CESQGs) cont. Information on the rules and regulations for CESQGs can be found at; CESQGs must pay a fee for the disposal of their commercial hazardous waste on a per lb./gal./ea. basis; Residential users of the HHW program do not pay a fee. They already have this fee built into their solid waste tax assessment.
Limits & Fees Batteries (No charge) E-Waste ($.0618 lb. for commercial) Gasoline & Oily Water ($.78 per gal. residential and commercial) HHW 25 gallons or 220lbs. ($.60 lb. for Commercial) Mercury containing bulbs. ($.50 ea. Residential & commercial) Oil & antifreeze (5 gal. limit no charge)
Mercury Containing Bulbs Not our parent’s Light Bulbs, they’re more efficient than ever; Known as Fluorescent Or CFL’s these Bulbs contain Mercury and are an Environmental Risk if not disposed of properly; The State of Florida Prohibits the Incineration of Mercury Containing Lamps;
Monroe County’s Garbage is Incinerated at a Waste to Energy Plant; So, Bulbs Must Be Recycled by utilizing our County Program or other programs available thru private recyclers.
Broken Mercury Bulbs Broken bulbs will be accepted but should be cleaned up properly; Broken ends should be taped shut; Loose fragments should be placed in a sealed container; Gloves and a dust mask should be worn while cleaning up broken fragments; If you get cut, immediately wash wound with soap and water. Contact your physician.
E-Waste Computers, Printers, Televisions, Cellphones, Microwaves are some examples; E-Waste Is Still The Fastest Growing Municipal Waste Stream In The United States.
HHW 50,420 lbs. Oil 9,925 gallons Oily Water 550 gallons Oil Filters 385 each Antifreeze 265 gallons Gasoline 680 gallons E-Waste 130,000 lbs. Mercury Containing Bulbs 3,852 each Batteries 10,020 lbs Numbers For Monroe County
Challenges to County and Businesses Change Mind Set of Homeowners and Businesses; These items are Recyclable yet Hazardous; Convenient collection times; Educate Businesses on how to Identify and Build in the cost of HHW Disposal or help to eliminate or reduce some of the costs; DO NOT stockpile HHW; Proper Storage and Transportation of HHW.
Initiatives Developed HHW recycling brochure; One on one communication with residents and businesses; Weekend Collections for residents NO CESQGs waste accepted at these events; Community outreach by hosting informational booth at local events (Seafood Festival, Earth Day, 4 th of July, American Recycles Day); School presentations; Disseminating information in multilingual media; Use of County website for ease of information; Recognize outstanding recyclers.
2013 Accomplishments Recycling HHW/E-Waste and Mercury containing bulbs; Helped Stock Island Marina Village and other marinas institute HHW and recycling programs; Increase in commercial recycling of HHW through education; Rolled out the Call 2 Recycle battery recycling program with a estimated cost savings to the County of $25,000/annually.
Future Six days a week drop off center at each transfer station(mm21 Cudjoe Key, mm68 Long Key, County Rd. 905 Key Largo); Continue reaching out to businesses and residents; Mandatory residential/commercial recycling; Forge partnership with churches and other community groups to get word out to new residents and businesses; Identify and apply for grants to help reduce disposal costs and enhance Public Education efforts;
Future Explore Re-blending Latex Paints for possible resale; Use Of re-blended paints in Habitat for Humanity, and other non-profit projects; Expand the Call 2 Recycle Battery Program to more Government agencies and businesses.
Contact Information Michael Basham, Env. Coordinator Jenniffer Shellito, Asst. Coordinator Rosa Washington, Sr. Administrator Kevin Wilson, Eng./Public Works Division Director Monroe County, Fl. (305)