Supporting a world-leading STEM education for all young people through UK-wide partnership. Yvonne Baker National STEM Learning Centre and Network
UK 100,000 additional Engineers required per year to 2020 (RAEng, 2012) France 30,000 new engineers each year vs demand for 40,000 (2012) Germany Shortfall of 200,000 STEM graduates, mainly engineers (2012) Netherlands More than 25,000 additional technically qualified graduates required each year Switzerland 2,000 candidates for 16,000 jobs (2009) STEM skills are an international issue
“[Science] is more than a school subject, or the periodic table, or the properties of waves. It is an approach to the world, a critical way to understand and explore and engage with the world, and then have the capacity to change that world...” President Barack Obama, 23 March 2015
“Young people were asked what had encouraged them to learn science and what had discouraged them: teaching quality was the most common answe to both questions. Encouragement – having a good teacher (58%) Discouragement – having a bad teacher (43%)” Wellcome Trust Monitor 2013 Why is the support provided by our Network so vital?
“It is a notable achievement that, within five terms, the new network has exceeded the levels of reported impact of what was a well- established and mature delivery model.” Isos Partnership evaluation of SLPs, 2015.
Together, we have an unrivalled body of independent research and participant feedback demonstrating the difference it makes.
Building a more integrated network of high quality support, across the UK, with a shared vision of science and wider STEM education, centred around young people, teachers & support staff, and school & college leaders… What’s next?
Every young person, throughout their science education from early years to post-16, should: be taught by knowledgeable, enthusiastic teachers with appropriate, regularly updated specialist knowledge and training find their STEM education engaging and inspiring through embedding of contexts, STEM careers and cutting edge research into lessons have regular and varied opportunities to engage in practical work, including open-ended investigations, projects and experimentation feel informed about the benefits of continuing to study STEM subjects throughout their education, and the possibilities offered.
In order to achieve this, all teachers of STEM subjects should: have access to regular subject-specific professional development opportunities and be encouraged to participate in these by their school and college leaders be active in pursuing their own professional learning and ensure they remain updated in their subjects via engagement with subject-specific support take advantage of opportunities to engage with STEM employers in order to appreciate the breadth and diversity of STEM-related careers, so feeling better able to share this knowledge with colleagues, students and those who influence students’ choices.
This will be made possible by school and college leaders and governors who: value the role of STEM subjects, not only in their own right, but also as key ‘facilitating subjects’ which underpin a broad and balanced curriculum and equip students with vital thinking, problem solving and enquiry skills prioritise subject-specific professional development for those teaching STEM subjects due to the fast moving nature of STEM, and have clear expectations of teachers in terms of their engagement with such support have a clear understanding of and commitment to the role of career-long, subject-specific professional development in recruiting and retaining excellent STEM teachers understand the value of teachers engaging with STEM employers, in terms of student achievement, careers awareness and aspirations as well as teacher knowledge, enthusiasm and motivation.
Convince school & college leaders Ensure school-led Improvement, supported appropriately by external expertise This will only become a reality if, across the Network, we continue to … Inspire young people in STEM Model excellent science teaching Encourage teachers & support staff in STEM Provide proven, effective CPD
Raising achievement in science Closing the gap in school performance in science Widening participation in science Practical Science Subject knowledge/develop ing subject specialism Triple Science Science leadership New curricula and assessment Universal Offer Targeted offer Subject knowledge/developi ng subject specialism Triple Science Primary SPN
Raising achievement in science Closing the gap in school performance in science Widening participation in science Practical Science Subject knowledge/develop ing subject specialism Triple Science Science leadership New curricula and assessment Universal Offer Targeted offer Subject knowledge/developi ng subject specialism Triple Science Primary ENTHUSE Partnership Grants eLibrary, resources, Networks, ESERO-UK ENTHUSE supported CPD ENTHUSE Intensive Awards SPN
Raising achievement in science Closing the gap in school performance in science Widening participation in science Practical Science Subject knowledge/develop ing subject specialism Triple Science Science leadership New curricula and assessment New offers – eg Science Capital Universal Offer Targeted offer Subject knowledge/developi ng subject specialism Triple Science Science Capital Primary ENTHUSE Partnership Grants eLibrary, resources, Networks, ESERO-UK ENTHUSE Supported CPD ENTHUSE Intensive Awards SPN Maths Hubs, CAS Hubs, CREST, STEM Ambassadors,Tomorrow’s Engineers, Rolls-Royce Science Prize, LearnChemistry
There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. Donald Rumsfeld
Key questions How do we continue to build our network, sharing good practice across the UK and so ensuring a world-leading STEM education for every young person across the UK? How do we make best use of our combined, unrivalled evidence of impact to convince school and college leaders of the pressing need for on-going, career-long STEM specific support for all STEM educators? What additional (non-financial) support can the National STEM Learning Centre provide?