Spring 2016 1 Community Leaders Toolkit: Contents Preview
Spring 2016 2 Community Leaders’ Key Actions Show-up Share Showcase Attend a Board of Directors’ Meeting Encourage your networks to attend SVCE events (see Website “Events” for details) Share information in your circles Join us on Facebook and Twitter Table and/or distribute information Host a community meeting
Spring 2016 3 Community Leaders’ Key Resources Show-up Share Showcase SVCE’s Events Webpage Board of Directors’ Agendas Sample newsletter article Template posts for Facebook, Twitter and any other website Talking points to highlight key SVCE facts Flyer and FAQs for distribution SVCE presentation slides and sign-in sheet
Spring 2016 4 Community Leaders’ Toolkit Contents SHARE Information and spread awareness of SVCE To view this page in your browser, check out our “get involved” tab. “get involved”
Spring 2016 5 Community Leaders’ Toolkit Contents SHOWCASE new and updated collateral SHOW-UP to our events
Spring 2016 6 Community Leaders’ Toolkit Contents Find the Community Leaders’ Toolkit under the Resources Tab, which includes all of the resources on the previous slides. This is a fast and easy way to download all resources to your computer!Community Leaders’ Toolkit
Spring 2016 7 Community Leaders Toolkit: Contents Preview
Spring 2016 8 Primary Tool : Community Leaders’ Guide What is this resource? One-stop-shop of all SVCE Materials created for YOU o Walks through resources prepared to support Community Leaders o Provides templates to help Community Leaders easily distribute these resources to your networks How can I use this resource? To familiarize yourself with the resources/information available To increase your networks’ knowledge of SVCE Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders Toolkit or on our website, under “Get Involved”Community Leaders Toolkitwebsite Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 9 Tool: SVCE Events Page What is this resource? A list of all upcoming SVCE events, including Board of Directors meetings and Agenda information How can I use this resource? To have YOUR voice heard – never underestimate the power of participation To learn more about other community member interests and priorities Where can I find it? On our website, under “Events”website Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 10 Tool: Talking Points What is this resource? A quick guide for points to emphasize about SVCE How can I use this resource? To enhance your own mastery of SVCE To mention when meeting with the public To distribute to the public Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “Get Involved”website Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 11 Tool: Sample s What is this resource? A compiled list of short paragraphs describing or referencing SVCE How can I use this resource? To keep your peers, family and friends up to date through Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “Get Involved”website Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 12 Tool: Sample Social Media Posts What is this resource? A collection of drafted posts for Twitter and Facebook How can I use this resource? To post about SVCE on social media To follow SVCE on Twitter and Facebook Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “Get Involved”website Show-up Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 13 Tool: Sample Website Blurb What is this resource? A concise paragraph that explains what SVCE is, and when services will launch How can I use this resource? To post about SVCE on your website Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “Get Involved”website Show-up Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 14 Tool: Sample Newsletter What is this resource? A summary of SVCE’s efforts to date and next steps How can I use this resource? To share with local media assets To include in your organization, community or neighborhood’s newsletter Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “Get Involved”website Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 15 Tool: Flyer What is this resource? A quick introduction to SVCE in a format designed by MIG, including graphics and visuals How can I use this resource? To table To distribute at a meeting To include in an To post on your website Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “Get Involved”website Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 16 Tool: FAQs What is this resource? Several FAQ sheets, separated by topic: o General Background FAQ o Energy Procurement FAQ o Net Energy Metering FAQ o Finances and Governance FAQ o Rates and Billing FAQ How can I use this resource? To share with your network To distribute at an event or meeting To prepare answers to community members’ questions Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “FAQs”website Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 17 Tool: Community Meeting Presentation What is this resource? A copy of the presentation given by SVCE team members at Community Meetings throughout participating communities How can I use this resource? To give a presentation about SVCE at you or your organization’s community meeting Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “Get Involved”website Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 18 Tool: Community Meeting Sign-In What is this resource? A sign-in sheet with spaces to collect attendee information, including: name, address, city of residence and desire to join our list serve How can I use this resource? To monitor the number of community members that attend your event or meeting To expand our database Where can I find it? In the Community Leaders ToolkitCommunity Leaders Toolkit On our website, under “Get Involved”website Share Showcase Show up
Spring 2016 19 Community Leaders’ Key Actions Show-up Share Showcase Attend a Board of Directors’ Meeting Encourage your networks to attend SVCE events (see Website “Events” for details) Share information in your circles Join us on Facebook and Twitter Table and/or distribute information Host a community meeting
Spring 2016 20 Thank you