National Conference on Safeguarding Children & Young People for Named & Designated Safeguarding Health Professionals Thursday, 11 March 2010 National Safeguarding Delivery Unit ‘work programme priorities ’ Jacky Tiotto
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.“ – Henry Ford Every Child Matters – a 10 year plan in 2004 Children’s Trusts – a ‘mission critical’ vehicle to better outcomes for children, young people, families and carers – but a means not an end Safeguarding - one fundamental area of children’s lives where working in partnership and getting the basics right really matter Today… The potential for the National Safeguarding Delivery Unit working with practice and influencing change across Government and in local places
National Safeguarding Delivery Unit Set up in July 2009 in response to Lord Laming’s progress report Mix of practitioners from local authorities, health and police services Officials from DCSF, Health, Ministry of Justice and Home Office Supported by a rich partnership network and a developing regional group of safeguarding advisers in government offices Becoming outward facing and well connected with safeguarding system – hungry to find creative solutions Focused on: Improvement and change – especially to frontline practice Explicit prioritisation for safeguarding across whole of government – reflected regionally and locally Implementation of Lord Laming’s recommendations – PLUS Improved public and professional confidence Support Chief Adviser for Child safety - Sir Roger Singleton
a busy time……………….. Very shortly publishing a ‘One year On report’ – cross government progress Revised Statutory guidance – ‘Working together to safeguard children’ Consultation practice guidance for Local safeguarding Children Boards Social Work Implementation plan Sir Roger Singleton’s first report to parliament – Chief Adviser on Child Safety New Children’s Trust guidance Early Intervention paper
There are pressures as well as opportunities for change and improvement Economic climate – new challenges for Every Child Matters Heightened awareness about vulnerable children – increased demand for children’s services Last year – referrals up by 2% (but contacts higher in some places), initial assessments up by 9% and core assessments up by 15%. Increase of 9% for children where care proceedings have started 11% increase in number of children with child protection plans Higher expectations of services More authorities in intervention Early intervention – the challenge and the solution
priorities 1 : do it now, do it right, do it early fixing: early targeted support, risk sharing across children’s trusts and effective deployment of universal services intervening early pilots ( domestic violence, mental ill health and substance abuse) learning from family assessment and intervention professional support at contact and referral, including use of common assessment and shared risk assessment ‘front doors’ ‘total place’
priorities 2: learning and change fixing: national, regional and local learning and improvement from SCRs/CDOPs, potential of the ‘peer’ and capacity of SCR chairs and authors learning and change programme (SCRs and CDOPs) sustainable SCR chairs and authors programme integrated professional peer review learning programme cross Government learning clinics
priorities 3: working together and leading well fixing: support for practice change and improvement, joining up practice, child-centred practice, effective interventions, and support for leaders managing risk and making interventions, including with families who are not able to engage professional safeguarding regional practice networks, including support for designated safeguarding professionals chronologies and basic records learning set approach to child centred practice safeguarding leadership and improvement (LSCBs, DCSs and Aspirant DCSs, Children’s Trust Boards) in collaboration with the national college programme national expert and good practice days Next steps for
priorities 4: regional improvement and support fixing: effective deployment of 25 regional safeguarding advisers, regional practice and improvement networks, learning from inspection and targeted support regional Government Office safeguarding advisers regional/local change and improvement networks learning from inspection and intervention regional learning clinics specialist support for authorities in intervention
priorities 5: needs, data and performance fixing: local needs assessment, effective performance frameworks for impact and difference and sector supported challenge assessing local need and aligning with Joint Strategic needs assessment local safeguarding performance frameworks sector supported performance challenge national targets and indicators programme
priorities 6: confidence and trust in system fixing: good use of new lay members, voice of children and young people, connection with communities national network for lay members of LSCBs ‘young NSDU’ regional practice partnerships awards scheme for LSCBs and practitioners
Practice champion boards A champion: one who acts or speaks in behalf of a person or a cause 294 words in thesauraus safeguard, safekeeper included as are cream, flower, virtuoso, locum – tenens! Small leadership team (8-9) ( DCS (chair), 2 partnership network leads, 2 Practice leads (regional), regional safeguarding adviser and regional health lead (2), NSDU leads (2)) PM (project manager) PC (practice champion) IC (Impact and change champion) CG (Cross – government champion) LC 1 (Leadership champion) SC (Safe champion – DH model) / / LC2 (Learning champion) GP (good practice champion)
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