The Sopot model of social work with the homeless people MOPS – Municipal Social Welfare Centre Tartu 2013
Characteristics of Sopot Sopot is a seaside town on the coast of the Gdańsk Bay, the Baltic Sea, in the north of Poland. It is situated between the larger cities of Gdańsk and Gdynia. The three towns together constitute the metropolitan agglomeration called Tri-city. Sopot is the smallest town with the county status in Poland with the population of
The Homeless Assistance Team in Municipal Social Welfare Centre in Sopot Coordinator, social worker – Maria Chlebowska Social worker - Maciej Krystian Azarewicz Homeless assistance worker – Wojciech Boduszyński
Homelessness in Sopot The number of people who benefit from the Municipal social Welfare Centre in Sopot from 2009 to The number of people who benefited from any type of social welfare
Action taken 1/2 Inspecting non-residential places where the homeless can potentially stay. The action is taken in the presence of a city guardian or a police officer. Streetworking, Identyfing homeless people’s needs, Preparation of social interviews, social contracts, individual programmes for leaving homelessness between the welfare centre and a homeless person Directing to shelters and other institutions and organisations that support homeless people
Action taken 2/2 Directing for legal advice, psychological advice, therapy for the addicted. Giving opinions on applications for social housing at the request of the Town Hall. Permanent contact with the institutions where the homeless reside. Regular controls of people who have free meals in Caritas. Educate the local community on homelessness.
Streetworking in homelessness Getting to already homeless people and people threatened with homelessness. Working with homeless person on positive change in the meaning of motivation for changing his/her lifestyle. Cooperation with homeless person using his/her resources and potential of social environment.
Standarization of support The first contact: on street patrol, on streetworking, at the Caritas canteen, the warming up spot (only at winter time), in Municipal Social Welfare Centre. Directing people from Sopot to a sleeping places or shelters. Proposal to sign a social contract for motivated people. Homeless assistance worker support for motivated homeless person and directing to the training flat. Leaving homelessness: –receipt of social housing, –taking up permanent employment, –placement in stationary welfare home.
Individual Programme Leaving Homlessness According to Polish Social Welfare Act 12th March 2004 (art. 49 p. 1) Individual Programme Leaving Homlessness (IPWzB) is meant to support the homeless person in solving his or her life problems, especially family and housing problems and help to obtain employment. The Programme is developed together by a social worker and a homeless person based on the person’s situation and opportunities. The aid granted under the Programme must be adjusted to real needs and help to achieve planned goals.
Preparation of Individual Programme 1.Selecting from among the clients individuals / families who have opportunities and are able to change their life situation 2.Defining the causes of the difficult situation of the person / family (eg. lack of support of close family, insufficient funds, disability etc.) 3.Detailed specification of opportunities of the person / family letting tackle difficult situations (eg. the right to apply for social housing, willingness to work, professional skills etc.) 4.Accurate diagnosis of constraints of the person / family or barriers in the environment that cause difficulties in solving difficult situations (eg. long periods of unemployment or homelessness, addiction, reducing of parental rights etc.) 5.Based on the analysis given in points 2-4 establishing the main and specific objectives, expected time needed to realize them
Results of Individual Programmes People that were put on the waiting list for social housing 2121 People that received social housing 0200 People placed in stationary welfare homes 0160 People participating in the Centre of Social Inclusion 0263 People taking up socially useful works 0131 People taking up employment, including supported employment People that became independent1145
Mission „Sopot Social Entrepreneurship Incubator provides support to marginalised and unemployed ” Point of legal advice and psychological advice - providing legal and psychological support through individual meetings with experts Sheltered housing - residential training Center for Social Inclusion - professional and social reintegration Centre of job search - initiating and organizing contacts with employers for the unemployed Social Cooperative - services provided to the City of Sopot, individuals, housing associations, businesses In 2012, Sopot was the third in order of the cities in terms of the lowest unemployment rate (4.6%), after Poznan (4.2%) and Warsaw (4.4%). Social welfare throughout 2012 for the reason of unemployment was used by 197 families ( families). One of the lowest unemployment rate makes it necessary to look for innovative ways of working with non-active.
participants People threatened to be socially excluded 15% Socially excluded Over 50 years old 55 % Socially excluded below 30 years old 30%
Castle Park: You can admire, especially the Sopot Slope, which is a 20-meter high steep that is the remains of the old sea cliff. In the park there are also ravines of Sopot streams. The whole is covered with over 100-year old trees, including several natural monuments. Location of the investment The building: a former paper mill - operated between the mid-17th to the mid-19h century. Since 1908 for more than 30 years there was a restaurant located, then a cafe. After World War II until 2005 used as a residential building. Colour photography around 1904 FutureNow
Thank you for your attention Maciej Krystian Azarewicz Wojciech Boduszyński