Sociology Library Instruction Fall 2014
Topics o How to start researching a sociological topic o How to find information for a selected topic o How to evaluate the sources o How to create APA citations o How to format an APA paper o How to get help from librarians
How to start researching a sociological topic Check the contents in the textbook chapters Look up topics in library print book- Encyclopedia of Social Problems ( (
How to start researching a sociological topic Browser EBSCOhost Points of View database Browser Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context database
Contemporary sociological topics: To make your topic manageable, remember to narrow down your topic Aging and the elderly Alcoholism and drug abuse Childhood and adolescence Crime and deviance Cyberspace and the Internet Death and dying Disabilities and the disabled Homelessness and hunger Immigration and immigrants Marriage and the family Population planning Poverty and the poor Politics, economics, and organizations Social psychology Social work Urban and regional studies Violence Race and ethnicity
How to find information for a selected topic o Search articles and eBooks directly from the Virtual Library home page o Go to individual library research database that contains sociological topics o Identify sociological topic publications and do a publication search inside the Virtual library research database or search A-Z Journals o Log on the campus Library Destiny Online Catalog and search copy categories under Liberal Arts-sociology A library research database is an organized collection of information records that can be accessed electronically.
How to find information for a selected topic o Search articles and eBooks directly from the Virtual Library home page
How to access library databases? How to find information for a selected topic You can access all library databases in the current Virtual Library’s home page at:
How to search information effectively in the library database? Remember to use advanced search and search limiters. How to find information for a selected topic You can access all library databases in the current Virtual Library’s home page at:
How to find information for a selected topic o Go to individual library research database that contains sociological topics o EBSCOhost SocINDEX with Full Text o EBSCOhost Points of View o EBSCOhost Newspaper Source o EBSCOhost Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection o EBSCOhost Religion and Philosophy Collection o Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context (log on username: synorth, password: student)
How to find information for a selected topic o Identify sociological topic publications and do a publication search inside the Virtual library research database or from A-Z library journal link on the VL home page. o
If you want to access the library databases individually, you can log on the previous Virtual Library website by clicking the Syracuse North library web portal link at the bottom of the current Virtual Library home page. Below is the log on ID: Username: synorth Password: student How to find information for a selected topic
If you want to access the library databases individually, you can log on the previous Virtual Library website by clicking the Syracuse North library web portal link at the bottom of the current Virtual Library home page. Below is the log on ID: Username: synorth Password: student How to find information for a selected topic
o Log on the campus Library Destiny Online Catalog and search copy categories under Liberal Arts-sociology The Destiny Online Catalog can be used to locate print books, serials and videos available in Syracuse North Library. The print titles and videos can be checked out for three weeks with an option to renew. These titles are organized according to Library Of Congress Classification System. You can locate these items on the library's book shelves by Call Numbers. Library Of Congress ClassificationCall Number
How to evaluate the sources o Do you want to know different points of view? o Do you want to use primary source documents? o Do you want to use academic journal, peer-reviewed, scholarly article? o Do you want to use images? o Is your source relevant, reliable, and update?
How to create APA citations o Use Bryant & Stratton College APA Style Guide to find the APA citation rules, explanations, and examples. o Use cite feature inside the EBSCOhost databases (need to double check with BSC APA) o Use citation generators o Citation builder o Citation maker o Citation machine o KnightCite
How to create APA citations – You can find more citation help on the Syracuse North library at the “APA Citation Help” page.
How to cite information in the library databases? 1.Find Bryant & Stratton College APA Style Guide page 12 and page Some databases have citation generator. The database can automatically create the APA Reference entry for you, but you will need to double check it and make sure it is correct APA citation. You will need to create the corresponding in-text citations. On the Reference page: Lastname, F.I. (year).Article title. Publication Title, vol(iss), pages. Retrieved, from database title. Smith, T. (2005).Where the wild things are: Traveling and infectious disease in Asia. Journal of Infectious Disease, 35(4), Retrieved from EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier. In-text citation: (Smith, 2005, para.12). How to create APA citations
How to format an APA paper - Some issues, tips and reminders o APA paper requires the following three components o Paper layout (running head, page number, double space, same font and size texts throughout the entire paper) o Tip: use APA template to format the APA paper layout (pay attention to the running head’s format). o In-text citations (in the body of sentences) o Take the (author, date, page number) format o Required in-text citation for both direct quotation and paraphrasing o Short quotation’s in-text citation format is different from long quotation o Graphic’s citation URL can be placed directly under the graphic o Reference page (last page, detailed citations for all sources) o On a new page o The only correct title is References o Remove the underline of URLs o Double spaced o Hanging indented o Alphabetical order by the first letter of each entry o When cite the Virtual Library EBSCOhost database article, don’t use any URL, but need to provide database name or DOI
How to get help from librarians o Stop by the library reference desk and ask librarian o to the librarian at o Call the librarian at ext. 251 o Check the library sociology resources web page on the Syracuse North library web portal.
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