Cut flow for A/H tau tau lh
Overview We present an overview of the cuts used for the neutral MSSM A/H tau tau lh analysis for 1 fb -1 The statistical analysis is based on the shapes of the backgrounds and the signal. We don’t want to cut completely the background. We include the W+jets background
Cut review Lepton preselection Hadronic tau candidate identification MET > 20 GeV Opposite charge between lepton and hadron E T (hadron) > 40 GeV Number of Jets < 2 Momentum fraction [0,1]
E T (hadron)
Jet multiplicity Obtained new jet multiplicity plots. Overlap removal reviewed. Removing all jets which match any electron or muon inside ΔR<0.3 Removing all jets which match a non-overlapping tau in ΔR<0.3 All datasets are based on Athena 12 release except W+jets
Momentum fraction Using the collinear approximation we compute the momentum fraction (x) of the lepton and the hadron. We cut all events that have 0 < x < 1.
Delta phi Dashed lines represent the distribution of the events that are rejected with the momentum fraction cut. Probably not an ideal cut?
Cut flow Cut [fb] A150 A300 A450 A600 Ttbar Wenu Wmunu Wtaunu Z Total Leton Tau ID MET>20GeV Charge= ET(tau)>40GeV #jets< <x< Could we do a smarter cut instead of the momentum fraction? What about requiring Δ ϕ >1.5? What about a cut that took into account the MET without collinear approximation?
The zeta cut Used in similar search in CDF We define a bisection axis (ζ) in the transverse plane that splits the angle between the lepton and the hadron in two. We can compute: the projection of the transverse visible momentum over the zeta axis (P ζ vis ), and The projection of the transverse momentum over the zeta axis (P ζ ). Following we present the distributions of P ζ vs P ζ vis for signal and background datasets before the momentum fraction cut.