Position on HPV vaccinesAvailable from In July 2013, The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) of the WHO reconfirmed that there had been no major safety concerns in HPV vaccines: “In summary, 4 years after the last review of HPV vaccine safety and with more than 170 million doses distributed worldwide and more countries offering the vaccine through national immunization programs, the Committee continues to be reassured by the safety profile of the available products.” WHO epidemiological report: 29.pdf GACVS statement: committee/topics/hpv/130619HPV_ VaccineGACVSstatement.pdf World Health Organization
International Federation of Gynecology & Obstetrics Position on HPV vaccinesAvailable from FIGO issued a statement on 2 August 2013 which concluded, on the basis of the scientific evidence for HPV vaccination, that both types of vaccine currently in use are safe and supported the continuation of HPV vaccination: “All randomised clinical trials of both the bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines provide evidence of an excellent safety profile.” FIGO statement conclusions: GACVS (WHO) reviewed the safety of HPV vaccination on June 13, 2013, the Committee’s last review having taken place in The Committee considered all available evidence on HPV vaccination and has concluded that both commercially available vaccines are safe. Statement: corp/Statement%20on%20Safety% 20of%20HPV%20vaccination%20- %20FINAL%20- %20AUGUST% pdf
International Federation of Gynecology & Obstetrics Position on HPV vaccinesAvailable from Having reviewed all available data, the FIGO Gynecologic Oncology Committee and the FIGO sub-committee for Cervical Cancer Prevention supports the continued administration of the HPV vaccines in appropriate populations. This recommendation has been approved by the FIGO Executive Board Statement: corp/Statement%20on%20Safety% 20of%20HPV%20vaccination%20- %20FINAL%20- %20AUGUST% pdf
Position on HPV vaccinesAvailable from “Two HPV vaccines have been licensed in over 100 countries, many of which are GAVI-eligible. Both have been prequalified by WHO for purchase by UN agencies. In clinical trials, the vaccines were found to be safe and highly effective in preventing persistent HPV infection caused by types 16 and 18.” GAVI HPV factsheet: support/nvs/human- papillomavirus-vaccine- support/ GAVI
Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health Position on HPV vaccinesAvailable from Each year cervical cancer kills 275,000 women worldwide, mostly in developing countries. There are two vaccines against the major cancer causing strains of human papillomavirus (HPV), the infectious cause of cervical cancer. When given to girls prior to sexual debut, the vaccines are more than 92 percent effective in preventing persistent HPV infection and 100 percent effective in preventing vaccine type-specific cervical lesions (pre cancer). Website: ess-room/642/