What is Genetic Engineering? Types of GE Aims Ethical issues Organizations against modified food Arguments for and against Sources
Is a controlled manipulation of genes in an organism. Used by scientists to enhance or modify the characteristics of an individual organism Result: genetically modified Organisms(GMO)
Transgenic microbes (modified Bacteria) Transgenic animals (modified Animals) Transgenic plants (modified Plants) Designer Babies (freely selectable characteristics) Cloning (creating an organism, exact copy of another)
Resistance against pests and herbicides Yield increase To improve the quality of plants; meal and milk Modified composition of ingredients for health-promoting care for the population (example: Golden Rice) Development of medicine and vaccines
Is it allowed to intervene in the heritage of others? Play „God“ + disturbance the balance of nature Eugenics ---> intervention in human evolution Danger to create „planned children“ Legal grey
Several organizations › With many different campaigns › Aim= try to involve consumers and to inform them Fight for the stop of using GMO‘s in agriculture (genetic modified organism) Fight for labeling products with GMO ingredients › Companies try to fake their labels through corruption Fight against cloned animals as well People have to know what they are eating › And they want to know it
Example: Organic Consumer Association netic-engineering Campaigns for › Health › Justice › Sustainability (Nachhaltigkeit) › Peace › Democracy Campaigns against GMO Fight against Monsanto
a publicly traded American multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation Production of seeds for agriculture and herbicides (Unkrautbekämpfungsmittel) Since the 1990’s Biotechnologies for production of genetically modified crops - transgenic corn
Fight against the company Over two decades Monsanto exercised ‘near- dictatorial’ control over American agriculture Monsanto’s false promises › GMO crops will lead to less use of pesticides = false › glyphosate is harmless = false; causes human cancer › "The dramatic and rapid growth in overall use of glyphosate will likely contribute to a host of adverse environmental and public health consequences," said Dr. Charles Benbrook, author of the new study Monsantos modified products are sold without a label that reminds the costumer on the ingredients
Positive argumentsNegative arguments Parents have the right to chooseTechnology is not safe enough yet Risk for the unborn baby Moral obligation to give children the best life that is possible Modular wish baby = perfect ‘Create’ a baby only because of outer appearance or intelligence Will improve the ‘human species‘‘perfect /super‘ humans may look down on normal people ‘imperfect‘ humans would be discriminated Would create a class society
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