Dual Credit Informational Meeting Harper High School School Year
Dual Credit : Students will be eligible to take dual credit coursework beginning the summer before high school. It is recommended by HHS, that students wait until the summer prior to their junior year (11 th grade). All dual credit coursework will be available through CTC (Central Texas College), who replaced ACC (Austin Community College) in July 2015 for the Hill Country. Students MUST be TSI ready in order to qualify to take any college level coursework as a high school student. This may be done through various ways (see next slide).
TSI Ready: Accepted TSI Ready Tests TSI Complete ENGL 1301 & SPCH 1315 (score required) MATH 1332 & 1342 (score required) MATH 1414, 1316, 1324, BIOL 1406 (score required) GOVT, HIST, ECON, & FOREIGN LANG (score required) TSI Writing363 / 4 or 5 only TSI Reading351 TSI Math ACT ReadingCOMP 23 / COMP 23 / 19 + ACT Math SAT Reading COMP 1070 / (Critical Reading) COMP 1070 / SAT Math PSAT R 50 / M 50 COMBINED 107 Sources: CollegeBoard (2014) Texas Success Inititative (TSI) Assessment: Student Informative Brochure Retrieved from CTC will only accept this one for 1 year from date taken.
What is TSI? TSI (Texas Success Initiative) is a program designed by TEA to determine readiness for college-level course work. The general areas of reading, writing, and mathematics are tested, in separate sections. The questions are computer adaptive, which means that questions increase or decrease in difficulty level depending on how you respond. The test sections are untimed. Students receive immediate information on their score and skill or proficiency levels. Free sample questions to help with preparing for the test may be found by visiting sample-questionswww.collegeboard.org/texas- sample-questions Sources: CollegeBoard (2014) Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment: Student Informative Brochure Retrieved from
* HHS will offer the TSI test in the fall and spring semesters. TSI HHS: Timeline for testing: Students will select dual credit coursework for the next school year. Students will sign up to take the TSI with Mrs. Lake in the office. Once a date has been set, the students registered will be notified. *Spring testing will tentatively take place towards the end of March – beginning of April. Cost for TSI testing: HISD will provide funding for a student to take the TSI up to TWO times. After the 2 nd round of testing a student may still take the TSI, but at their expense. After Testing/Score Reports: Students will be given a copy of their score reports A copy of the student scores will be kept in the counseling center. A copy must also be presented to CTC when registering for classes.
Dual Credit Coursework: CTC Course High School Equivalency ENGL 1301 / 1302 English 3 * Composed of English Comp I and II….these are typical Freshman level courses in college. ENGL 2322 / 2323 English 4 * Composed of British Literature I and II…these are sometimes required at the Sophomore college level. ECON 2301 Economics * Composed of Macroeconomics (2301)…….typical Freshman level courses in college. HIST 1301 / 1302 US History * Composed of US History I and II…these are typical Freshman level courses in college. * HIST 1302 is the required course for high school equivalency. HIST 1301 can be taken for a Special Topics in Social Studies providing an additional credit in high school. GOVT 2305 Government * Composed of Federal Government (2305)…typical Freshman level courses in college. MATH 1314 / 2412 Pre- Calculus * Composed of College Algebra (1314) and Pre-calculus (2412)…college Algebra is a prerequisite and must be taken before Pre-calculus may be taken.
Dual Credit Registration: Students will register for dual credit coursework: Meet with Mrs. Lake to determine which course(s) they would like to take. Students will have to take and pass the TSI test, unless they already qualify through ACT or SAT scores. Once a student has passed the TSI test, they will go through the CTC registration process: Apply online at: choose “Apply Now” (see Mrs. Lake for help!) Complete the Dual Enrollment Packet and return to Mrs. Lake. Complete the registration process with Kristy Kothe, CTC representative
Dual Credit Payment: HISD will pay for up to a total of 4 courses (12 hours) per year, June – May: HISD will pay for 100% of tuition expenses for courses taken for dual credit purposes ONLY. Any course taken simply for college credit, will be the responsibility of the student and his/her family. IF a student does not successfully complete his/her course (fails or drops), he/she will forfeit the ability to have tuition funded by HISD for all future dual credit courses. Students will be responsible for 100% of the cost for textbooks and any other required course materials as determined by CTC. (i.e. – MyMath Lab) Books are purchased through the CTC website for each semester and take approximately days to arrive to the student. All money for books is handled through the CTC bookstore and are 100% at the cost of the student.
Dual Credit Grades: Grades will be submitted to HHS in a letter format from CTC: o The dual credit grade will be placed as part of their transcript and it will be figured into their GPA only if it is a high school equivalency course. o College courses taken as college credit (CC) will not be figured into a students GPA. Students receiving a grade below 70 (a grade of “D” or “F”) in any one dual/college credit course will no longer qualify for the HISD assistance program. o Dual credit courses will be considered passing only if the student receives a “C” (70 and above) or better. Dual credit becomes a part of the student’s high school and college transcripts unless they are taken as college credit only. o Incomplete grades will NOT be figured into a students GPA for the January submission.
FERPA and Dual Credit: FERPA is a mnemonic for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. It is also known as the “Buckley Amendment;” the federal law designed to * protect the privacy of education records, * establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and * provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Faculty and staff of CTC are required to ensure compliance with the Act by understanding the provisions and applying them to procedures and processes within the institution. * College students must be permitted to inspect their own education records. * School officials may not disclose personally identifiable information about a student nor permit inspection of students’ records without written permission of the student, unless such action is covered by certain exceptions permitted by the law. HOW DOES THIS APPLY TO ME?: Dual credit courses are actually Central Texas College courses, student privacy rules apply. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the CTC Associate Dean of Admissions, Records, and Registration is the custodian of all student records except those specifically relating to financial aid. Student records are confidential and cannot be released to anyone other than the students (including parents). A student may complete the Student Consent for Release of Academic Records and return it to the Systems Registrar to give named parties access to the student’s records for one year.