Promotional Mix Standard 9
Promotional mix One of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. It consists of public relations, advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and direct marketing.
Objectives A.Describe the elements of the promotional mix. B.Explain factors affecting the selection of a promotional mix.
Objective A Describe the elements of the promotional mix.
Purposes of Promotion To tell consumers about a company’s … Goods Services Ideas
Purposes of Promotion To persuade consumers to buy
Promotion’s Recipe for Success: Mix various communication activities together and serve to potential customers until desired outcome is achieved.
The Top 5 Airlines! Traveler MagazineFlynn The bikes the pros use. 25% Off Coupon AdvertisingAdvertising Personal sellingPersonal selling PublicityPublicity Sales promotionSales promotion Direct MarketingDirect Marketing Communication Techniques
The Combination, or Blend, of Marketing Communication Channels Is Called the...
Advertising Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, images, goods, or services The most visible element of the promotional mix
Advertising Messages can be delivered by: TelevisionTelevision RadioRadio NewspapersNewspapers MagazinesMagazines Direct mailDirect mail Outdoor advertisementsOutdoor advertisements DirectoriesDirectories The InternetThe Internet
Personal Selling Determines client needs/wants and responds through planned, personalized communication that influences purchase decisions and enhances future business opportunities Are you planning on replacing all of your computers at once? My budget won’t allow me to replace them all at once, but I want them to be compatible. You might want to consider leasing computers. You can get free service and upgrade to a newer model whenever you want!
Publicity Any nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services that is not paid for by the company or individual which benefits from or is harmed by itAny nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services that is not paid for by the company or individual which benefits from or is harmed by it Many consumers pay close attention to publicity.Many consumers pay close attention to publicity. –Feel publicity has more credibility because it is not a commercial message –View publicity as news Example: Mention of a company’s charitable activities in print or broadcast media Publicity
Ways the Internet Can Be Used as a Source of Publicity A company web site can be used to obtain and display positive feedback. “Tae-Bo has really changed my life. I’ve lost weight, toned-up, and feel better than ever.” -Susie Wells, CA
Ways the Internet Can Be Used as a Source of Publicity A company might agree to provide a link to another business’s web site in exchange for the same consideration. LINK TO ACME.COM
Sales Promotion Promotional activities other than advertising, personal selling, and publicity which stimulate purchasesPromotional activities other than advertising, personal selling, and publicity which stimulate purchases Sales promotion activities include:Sales promotion activities include: Trade shows Exhibits
Importance of the Promotional Mix Plays a key role in obtaining and keeping customersPlays a key role in obtaining and keeping customers Enables businesses to communicate effectively with customersEnables businesses to communicate effectively with customers Informs consumers about goods/services and persuades them to buyInforms consumers about goods/services and persuades them to buy
Objective B Explain factors affecting the selection of a promotional mix.
Factors Affecting the Selection of a Promotional Mix Product’s target market Good, service, image, or idea Distribution channels Product’s company Must be carefully analyzed before marketers decide when and where to invest promotional funds
Introductory Growth Maturity Declining Good, Service, Image, or Idea Stage of life cycle When you are on-the-go… …it’s Breakfast-To-Go Each pocket provides you a delicious breakfast in just two minutes! New and Improved! Obsolescence Product Life Cycle (PLC)
Businesses often rely on previous use of promotional methods. Product’s Company Historical Perspective Think small. Less flower.More power.
Product’s Company Tony’s Pizza Kids eat free! Ange’s Pizza Free kids’ meals! Competing businesses use similar promotional mixes and tend to follow the leader. Competition
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