W HAT IS P HOTOGRAPHY ? The term Photography is defined the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (as film or an optical sensor). Basically Photography is the act of capturing light.
W HY P HOTOGRAPHY ? (C OMMUNICATION THROUGH IMAGES ) Photography has taken hundreds of years to develop and is still changing everyday. There are many different applications of photography. Lets look at some ways photography is utilized today
S OCIAL Social There is a vast amount of diversity in the world. There are different cultures, animals, people and ways of life. Photography can connect us socially with people and things we may never otherwise see or experience
D OCUMENT / H ISTORICAL Photos that record history. Also known as photojournalism. Most photographs that are taken can be classified as documentation of something, or an image taken for a record. (“Record shots” are also the staple of photojournalism.)
D OCUMENT / H ISTORICAL Journalistic photos can go far beyond being "record shots." Through the decades, individual photographs have become icons, summing up emotions or events of a particular period. Documentary photography has played an important role in American history. Photographs by Lewis Hine documented the exploitation of children as laborers in early factories. As a result of his photos, lawmakers passed legislation restricting the use of child labor.
E DUCATE Images that educate and enlighten Photography can be used in many ways to educate people about the world in which we In the 1860’s Oliver Wendell Holmes examined the positions of pedestrians whose motions were frozen in photographs. He designed better artificial legs for soldiers who had suffered amputations during the Civil War.
A DVERTISING & M ARKETING Advertising & Marketing -Images used to sell. Everyday we are confronted with images designed to persuade us in some way. We see them in our home on product packaging, online and in newspapers and magazines. We see them when we leave the house on billboards, signs, in stores and on buses. These images are created for purposes of advertising or marketing toward consumers. Many advertisement agencies and magazine publishers use stock photographs. A flat fee or royalty is charged for each separate use of a stock photograph.
A RT & E NTERTAINMENT Art & Entertainment -Aesthetic Photography that Illustrates & Inspires The use of the photograph as a form of artistic expression and the continuing debate over whether photography is art or a craft. This dates almost to its beginnings. Some early photographers attempt to mimic popular taste in painting. The term pictorialism is used to describe an early approach to photography that attempted to imitate painting. Naturalistic photography did not attempt to imitate paintings, but would show natural subjects in their actual surroundings.
A SSIGNMENT : As a group of 2 or 3, you will choose one of the methodsI (Educate, Advetise Etc…) in which Photography as a Medium is applied today (see above). Using the internet, gather images that illustrate your groups chosen application. You must have a minimum of 8 images. Save them in a folder to show to the class.
R UBRIC Teamwork (ALL students in group worked well together & contributed to final product) 20% Images illustrate chosen photography application 20% Guidelines adhered to (8 or more images, etc). 20% Presentation (all members have a part in presentation, clearly presented and understand the chosen application) 20% Submission (completed on time) 20% TOTAL 100%