Unit #1 The Forensic Scientist, The Crime Scene and The Physical Evidence I. The Definition of Forensic Science -The application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system.
II. The Focus…the services of the crime laboratory. -It is here that the principles and techniques of the physical and natural sciences are practiced and applied to the analysis of crime-scene evidence.
III. History and Development of Forensic Science 250 BC- ERASISTRATUS, Greek physician, observes that his patients’ pulse rate increase when they tell him lies. This is supposed to be the first lie detection test. 44 BC- ANTISTIUS, Greek physician, examines the dead body of Julius CAESAR after his assassination and finds that there are 23 stab wounds. The only one that was fatal, was on the chest.
1000 AD- QUINTILIAN, an attorney in the Roman courts, show that bloody palm prints are meant to frame a blind man of his mother’s murder AD- The Chinese book His Duan Yu (the Washing away of Wrong), describes how to distinguish drowning from strangulation, the first recorded application of medical knowledge to the solution of crime. The book becomes an official text for coroners.
1600- Sir Thomas Browne ( ) An English physician, biologist, philosopher, and historian, a pioneering forensic archaeologist In Lancaster UK, John Toms is convicted of murder on the basis of the torn edge of a wad of newspaper in a pistol matching a remaining piece in his pocket. This is one of the first know documented uses of physical matching.
1810- First detective force established by Eugene Francios VIDOCQ. Force was called the Surete’ of Paris Mathieu Orfila ( ) -father of forensic toxicology -documented on detection of poisons and their effects on animals -University of Paris
1835- Henry GODDARD, one of Scotland Yard’s original Bow Street Runners, first uses bullet comparison to catch a murderer. His comparison is based on a visible flaw in the bullet which was traced back to a mold.
1839- One of the first attempts to determine time of death using the fall in body temperature Rudolph VIRCHOW, German pathologist, is one of the first to both study hair and recognize its limitations.
1883- Alphonse Bertillion ( ) -devised the first scientific system of personal identification. -developed the science of anthropometry (A systematic procedure of taking a series of body measurements as a means of distinguishing one ind. from another) -Was later replaced by fingerprinting. -father of criminal identification
1892- Francis Galton ( ) -British anthropologist, cousin to Charles Darwin, -Was first to study fingerprints and develop a methodology of classifying them for filing. -characteristics identified by Galton are basically still used today
1901- In England, fingerprint identification replaces anthropometry First systematic use of fingerprints in the US by New York Civil Service commission New York State Prison system begins the first systematic use of fingerprints in US for criminal identification.
1903- In Switzerland, at University of Lausanne, the first academic curricula for forensic science is set up Theodore ROOSEVELT establishes the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).
1910- Edmund LOCARD, professor of forensic medicine at University of Lyons, France, establishes the first police crime laboratory.
1910 cont. -Albert S. Osborn ( ) -An American and the most influential document examiner -Developed the fundamental principles of document examination -Was responsible for the acceptance of documents as scientific evidence by the courts.
1915- Leone LATTES ( ) - Italian professor -Devised a relatively simple procedure for determining the blood group (A,B,AB, and O) of a dried bloodstain. -Procedure still used today in criminal investigations
1920- LOCARD introduces: -The Locard Exchange Principle- When a criminal came in contact with an object or person, a cross transfer of evidence occurs.
1923- In FRYE vs. United States, polygraph test results were ruled inadmissible. Federal ruling introduced the concept of general acceptance and stated that polygraph testing did not meet the criterion.
1924- August VOLLMER, as chief of police in Los Angeles, California, implements the first US. Police crime laboratory The FBI crime laboratory is created. -aimed to offer forensic services to all law enforcement agencies in the country.
1933- Gunshot Residue test introduced in US Luminol developed to test for blood, in Germany Voiceprint identification is studied.
1950- The 1st U.S. university institute to establish a School of Criminology was University of California at Berkley Structure of DNA identified The breathalyzer invented for field sobriety testing. Indiana State Police.
1977- FBI introduces the beginnings of its Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) with first computerized scans of fingerprints Police in UK first use forensic DNA profiling US first uses any kind of DNA testing.
1987- DNA profiling introduced for first time in a US criminal court. Based on RFLP analysis, Tommy Lee ANDREWS is convicted of a series of sexual assults in Orlando, Florida in Montreal, automated imaging system called Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS) first launched.
1993- In Daubert et al. vs. Merrell Dow, a US Federal court relaxed the Frye standard for admission of scientific evidence and conferred on the judge a “gatekeeping” role In US, FBI set up the National DNA Index System, allowing all enforcement agencies to compare DNA profiles electronically.