Activities:  Bell Work: Frost Biography Video  Activity One: ACT Pre-Test Bubbling  Finish required bubbling in preparation for ACT on 3/1!  Activity.


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Presentation transcript:

Activities:  Bell Work: Frost Biography Video  Activity One: ACT Pre-Test Bubbling  Finish required bubbling in preparation for ACT on 3/1!  Activity Two: Robert Frost Poem #1  Annotate “Design” and complete reading guide  Closure: ACT Interest Inventory  Homework: None! 17 February 2016 Materials: - Spiral notebook - Writing Utensil - #2 Pencil - Highlighter - Taking the ACT Test Booklet (grey) - Robert Frost reading guide Objectives: - SWBAT demonstrate understanding of ACT pre-testing by interpreting directions and completing the required sections on the answer document. - SWBAT read and interpret Frost poetry by annotating and analyzing content for literary terms and answering guided questions to check for understanding.

On the Bell Work Weeks page (p ), write the date and the task. Task: Frost Mini Biography Video Write down 5 things you learn about Robert Frost from the video (3.35 minutes)!! Bell Work 2/17/16: Quick Write

Activities:  Bell Work: Frost Biography Video  Activity One: ACT Pre-Test Bubbling  Finish required bubbling in preparation for ACT on 3/1!  Activity Two: Robert Frost Poem #1  Annotate “Design” and complete reading guide  Closure: ACT Interest Inventory  Homework: None! 18 February 2016 Materials: - Spiral notebook - Writing Utensil - #2 Pencil - Highlighter - Taking the ACT Test Booklet (grey) - Robert Frost reading guide Objectives: - SWBAT demonstrate understanding of ACT pre-testing by interpreting directions and completing the required sections on the answer document. - SWBAT read and interpret Frost poetry by annotating and analyzing content for literary terms and answering guided questions to check for understanding.

On the Bell Work Weeks page (p ), write the date and the task. Task: Frost Mini Biography Video Write down 5 things you learn about Robert Frost from the video (3.35 minutes)!! Bell Work 2/18/16: Quick Write

Activities:  Bell Work: Free Write  Activity One: Robert Frost Poem #2  Annotate “Out, Out—” and complete reading guide  Activity Two: ACT Writing Prompt #3  Final writing practice; timed 30 minutes  Closure: Check and stamp p. ?  Homework: Study for test Tuesday! 19 February 2016 Materials: - Spiral notebook - Writing Utensil - ACT Prompt #3 (basket) - Robert Frost reading guide (from last class) Objectives: - SWBAT demonstrate understanding of the ACT writing task by interpreting directions and writing a 5 paragraph essay ACT- style in 30 minutes. - SWBAT read and interpret Frost poetry by annotating and analyzing content for literary terms and answering guided questions to check for understanding.

On the Bell Work Weeks page (p ), write the date and the task. Task: Free Write Write about anything you want, school appropriate, for five minutes; no talking!! Bell Work 2/19/16: Free Write

Activities:  Bell Work: Free Write  Activity One: Robert Frost Poem #2  Annotate “Out, Out—” and complete reading guide  Activity Two: ACT Writing Prompt #3  Final writing practice; timed 30 minutes  Closure: Check and stamp p. ?  Homework: Study for test Tuesday! 20 February 2016 Materials: - Spiral notebook - Writing Utensil - ACT Prompt #3 (basket) - Robert Frost reading guide (from last class) Objectives: - SWBAT demonstrate understanding of the ACT writing task by interpreting directions and writing a 5 paragraph essay ACT- style in 30 minutes. - SWBAT read and interpret Frost poetry by annotating and analyzing content for literary terms and answering guided questions to check for understanding.

On the Bell Work Weeks page (p ), write the date and the task. Task: Free Write Write about anything you want, school appropriate, for five minutes; no talking!! Bell Work 2/20/16: Free Write