North Carolina Division of Military & Veterans Affairs 2015 Update
Background: The NEW Way = VET-centric NEW Statute/Agency gives NCDVA authority to actually request and track outcomes… VET- centric VA federal veterans svc NCDVA state veterans svc COUNTY veterans svc COMMERCE Jobs & training DHHS Health & wellness EDUCATION UNC &CC DMV NC HOUSING FINANCE VETERANS COURTS NON-PROFITS Charlotte Bridge Home VOLUNTEER ORGs: DAV, VFW NATIONAL GUARD ACTIVE MILITARY
Background: NC is NOW more veteran friendly. We have reversed the flow! Veterans had been leaving the state… NC Ranks #9 in Population NC used to Rank #9 in Veterans… Finally, we reversed the trend. Now, NC ranks #8 (up from #9) Now, NC ranks #5 In retirees (up from #6) Veterans are relocating to VA, SC, GA
INTRA-agency Reform: Reorganizing NCDVA for the 21 st Century. Re-thinking Strategy & Metrics for success: “Go where the veterans are…” Launching new partnerships: VA, DHHS, Nat Guard, DMV, NC4Vets Call Center etc. Cut Costs AND Grow Services (HOW? location, location, location) INTER-agency Reform: Governors Working Group, Executive Order Increasing accountability and broadening the dialog with agency stakeholders. Integrate Gov. Mil. Adv. with joint Commerce, DHHS, DOA, VA efforts Communications Plan: Focus on “NC 4 Vets”, Events, telling our story Internal marketing and awareness campaign, external campaign with Sponsors NCDVA Annual Report: veteran stats and performance metrics (Year-on-year) Legislative Agenda: Workforce Development, Instate Tuition, New Department of Military & Veterans Affairs.
INTRA-agency Reform: Reorganization 38% More Offices, 400% More Trainers, 113% More Performance
INTRA-agency Reform: Reorganization 113% More Completed Claims: 2013 = 11,405 vs = 24,256
INTRA-agency Reform: New Services and New Capabilities 844-NC4-VETS Growing Capabilities: Homeless Vets: Terry Allebaugh Veteran Courts: John Albertson Women Vets: Catherine Barker
INTER-agency Reform: Creating Value with Win-Wins $500,000 DHHS Cash 2014 & 2015 $600,000 VA Office Support 2014 & 2015 $150,000 Commerce Cash for Resource Guides 2015 $250,000 Cannon Foundation Cash Grant 2015 $125,000 MetLife & Cisco Tech/Cash 2015 $1.6 Million* raised from other agencies so far… *Additionally, Walmart/IVMF/NC Serves Hubs investment in coordinated communities will grow to $2 Million per year recurring.
INTER-agency Reform: Creating Value with Win-Wins Did someone say “tablets”?
INTER-agency Reform: Public Private Partnerships for Jobs =
WALMART notes importance of awareness INTER-agency Reform: Public Private Partnerships for services =
Proposed NC SERVES LOCATIONS: CHLT (2015), RDU (2016), Jax/Fay (2016), TRIAD (2017)
IVMF/WALMART Model matures to $2 Million per year Initial Seed Capital= $330 K/Yr. 1 st Hub Site “Metrolina” Charlotte= $400K/yr (RFP 2015) 2nd Hub Site Raleigh= $400K/yr (RFP 2016) 3rd Hub Site Fayetteville/JAX= $400K/yr (RFP 2016) 4th Hub Site TRIAD $400K/yr (RFP 2017)
Communications Plan: Focus on “NC4Vets”, Product Launches, Events Internal marketing and awareness campaign, external campaign with Sponsors New Product Launches & Partnerships with: Duke/Epic Walmart/IVMF AmLegion VBACs 2016 Women Vet expo 70+ media hits on NC4Vets Launch.
Legislative Affairs: NEW Department of Military & Veterans Affairs § 143B “Power and duties of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs” identifies 23 functions to be performed by the Mil/Vet Department, of which NCDVA in its current capacity facilitates 19 and is solely responsible for 10.
Opportunities O Develop Staff incentives: pay, school, etc. Make Vet Affairs Comm. More effective o Task with fundraising, outreach duty Future rollouts (tech, catalog, etc.) o Memorial Day/Vets Day IVMF Partnership = 4 new Hubs in 2 years Grow Interagency relations o (Commerce, VA & DoD) Grow Private partnerships/grants o (Walmart, Cannon, Metlife, USDA) Threats T Terrorist Attack on unarmed staff Cyber-Attack on network Territoriality: ITS & Commerce State Delays jeopardize funding – (No Spend = No reimbursement) New VA leadership? Less VA funding? – (Reduced cooperation) – The Unknown Unknown: Black Swan Strengths S Superior Performance = $ Bil. For NC Reorganization & Expansion (VA) Culture Shift = Team Leaning Forward New Department = more leverage NC4VETS success = Vets love it New Partnerships (VA, DHHS, etc.) Weaknesses W Hardest Working = Lowest Paid in NC – Where is the upside for all this effort? – Veterans ae tough customers = Employee Burnout Reliance on Partnerships – What if VA or DHHS $upport Stops?? Lack of NC Legislature Support – Unfunded mandates, no staff adds? – Lack of Legislative advocacy/support Hostility from “Support” = delays – Grants are secured but spending is stifled. Need Independent Communications – Currently limited by Governor’s Office INTERNAL FACTORS EXTERNAL FACTORS The Road Ahead…
Ilario Pantano NCDVA (844) NC4-Vets QUESTIONS?