doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan 2010 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 1 Closing Report Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan 2010 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 2 Abstract Closing report for JTC1 ad hoc for January 2010, Los Angeles, USA
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan 2010 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 3 JTC1 ad hoc discussed the status of WAPI and Progress in Atlanta –Reviewed the status of WAPI in ISO/IEC – it is still subject to a New Project vote but the draft has been recently modified –Started a technical review of WAPI –Recommended that the WG invite appropriate experts to present a tutorial on the Chinese standards process to the IEEE meeting in Beijing in May 2010 –Recommended the WG liaise all IEEE Sponsor Ballot drafts to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 as a matter of course Plans for Jan 2010 –Consider any JTC1 liaison issues –Continue technical evaluation of WAPI
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan 2010 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 4 JTC1 ad hoc recommends that a Chinese standards tutorial be held in May 10 It was decided that it might be helpful for the WG to hear a tutorial relating to the Chinese standards process in Beijing At the same time the WG could explain the IEEE standards process and status to Chinese participants in Beijing The goal would be to improve understanding and communications between the Chinese and IEEE standards practitioners Motion –The JTC1 ad hoc recommends to the WG that appropriate Chinese standards groups be invited by the WG Chair to present a tutorial on the Chinese standards processes related to LAN/MAN/PAN networking technologies, in a slot in which IEEE 802 also describes its processes. This tutorial would be held sometime on Monday to Wednesday at the meeting in Beijing in May 2010 –Result 13/0/0
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan 2010 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 5 JTC1 ad hoc recommends all SB draft be liaised to SC6 for review In Nov 09, a liaison was sent to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 offering to send them SB drafts, on request, for the purpose of comment and review SC6 responded this week by requesting that all SB drafts be sent to SC6 as a matter of course The WG Chair is working with the EC Chair and the IEEE-SA to determine the process required to make this happen Motion –The JTC1 ad hoc recommends to the WG Chair that all drafts sent to a Sponsor Ballot or a recirculation Sponsor Ballot be liaised to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for review and comment. Any such drafts should contain front matter and headers/footers as specified by the IEEE-SA. –Result: 13/0/0
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan 2010 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 6 JTC1 ad hoc motions for consideration by the WG
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan 2010 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 7 Should a Chinese standards tutorial be held in May 10? Motion –The WG recommends that appropriate Chinese standards groups be invited by the WG Chair to present a tutorial on the Chinese standards processes related to LAN/MAN/PAN networking technologies, in a slot in which IEEE 802 also describes its processes. This tutorial would be held sometime on Monday to Wednesday at the meeting in Beijing in May 2010
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan 2010 Andrew Myles, CiscoSlide 8 Should all SB drafts be liaised to SC6 for review Motion –The WG recommends that all drafts sent to a Sponsor Ballot or a recirculation Sponsor Ballot be liaised to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for review and comment. Any such drafts should contain front matter and headers/footers as specified by the IEEE-SA.