Institutional Effectiveness at MVCC Institutional Effectiveness at MVCC
Middle States Commission on Higher Education Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education 14 Standards of Accreditation
Middle States Standards on Assessment Standard 7: Institutional Assessment “The institution has developed and implemented an assessment process that evaluates its overall effectiveness in achieving its mission and goals and its compliance with accreditation standards.” Standard 14: Assessment of Student Learning “Assessment of student learning demonstrates that, at graduation, or other appropriate points, the institution’s students have knowledge, skills, and competencies consistent with institutional and appropriate higher education goals.”
Institutional Assessment Characteristics of Assessment Processes Useful Cost-effective Reasonably accurate and truthful Planned Organized, systematized, and sustained Includes analyzing results of such things as: Surveys Institutional Data Standardized exams Placement tests Student Learning assessment
Assessment of Student Learning Institutional - College-wide Competencies Program Outcomes Assessment Report Templates Information Management/DGV Online Assessment Program - Goals and Supporting Outcomes Major Program Outcomes Assessment Report Templates Academic Program Review Standardized / Licensure Exams General Education - MVCC & SUNY Learning Outcomes GE Assessment Plan Information Management/DGV Online Assessment Non-Academic Programs - Goals and Supporting Outcomes Program Outcomes Assessment Report Templates Course - Student Learning Outcomes Course Embedded Assessment Activities Standardized Exams
Institutional Effectiveness Website IEC Folder on the M:drive \\mvhawk\departments\IEC\ My computer >M:drive > IEC > Surveys & Data
Mark E. Radlowski Director of Institutional Research & Analysis Mohawk Valley Community College Norayne Rosero Professor of Mathematics Assessment Coordinator Mohawk Valley Community College