El Pretérito (1 of 2 past tenses) El Pretérito ●Used to express a “completed” action that occurred in the past ●A timeframe is usually stated that it occurred.


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Presentation transcript:

El Pretérito (1 of 2 past tenses) El Pretérito ●Used to express a “completed” action that occurred in the past ●A timeframe is usually stated that it occurred ONCE ●Trigger words & expressions help us decide to choose either the preterite or the imperfect tense (the ‘other’ past tense).

Preterite trigger words are: ●ayer ●anoche ●anteayer ●la semana pasada ●el fin de semana ●el fin de semana pasado ●hace tres días ●Después,... afterwards ●Entonces,... then,... (a sequence of events) ●Una vez - one time ●La primera vez - the first time ●La última vez - the last time ●De repente - suddenly ●En ese momento - in that moment ●En seguida - right away ●Inmediatamente - immediately ●Terminar - to finish ●Empezar/comenzar - to begin ●Por (time) - for a certain amount of time ●Desde el primero momento - from the first moment ●Esa vez - that time ●Aquel día - that day

El Pretérito

If a verb in its infinitive form is only 2-3 letters long then there are NO ACCENTS in BOTH the preterite and present tenses.. ir: to go ser: to be dar: to give ver: to see Irregulares: Twin verbs (identical & fraternal)

Los verbos que terminan en -car, -gar, -zar tiene cambio en la forma yo. -car c changes to qué -gar g changes to gué -zar z changes to cé {Las piratas} Verbos irregulares solo en la forma “yo” (the ‘eye’ form)

Irregular solo en el “yo” (PIRATE “EYE” FORM)

Common -car verbs: practicar tocar marcar buscar atacar clasificar aparcar calificar (to grade /qualify) Irregular solo en el “yo” (PIRATE “EYE” FORM) Los verbos que tiene -car, -gar, - zar son:

Common -gar verbs: Llegar Pagar Jugar Navegar Entregar - to hand in; deliver Colgar - to hang Rogar - to beg Tragar - to swallow Irregular solo en el “yo” (PIRATE “EYE” FORM) Los verbos que tiene -car, -gar, - zar son:

Common -gar verbs: Empezar Comenzar Almorzar Lanzar Organizar Cruzar - to cross Rezar - to recite,pray Cazar - to hunt Alcanzar - to reach Los verbos que tiene -car, -gar, - zar son: Irregular solo en el “yo” (PIRATE “EYE” FORM)

Otros verbos que son “piratas” -car Muchas palabras son cognados.

Otros verbos que son “piratas” -gar Muchas palabras son cognados.

Otros verbos que son “piratas” -zar Muchas palabras son cognados.

Hay una manera para recordar los irregulares- en todas las 6 formas... NO ACENTOS

Irregular en todas las 6 formas... NO ACENTOS For the -U group remember “pups” and that there are 2 pups named (1) caber and (2) haber. poner: to put or place poder: to be able to saber (in the preterite): to find out caber: to fit haber: (form of “there is” & “there are” & a helping verb

For the -UV group, remember that you don’t want your skin to EAT UV rays. Anytime you see a verb within a base verb then treat the conjugation like the “base” verb. For example, “TENER” is seen within “mantener” then conjugate “manTENER” like “TENER”. estar: to be (location & feelings) andar: to walk tener: to have Irregular en todas las 6 formas... NO ACENTOS

Remember the “I” group as “HIV ¿Qué? hacer: to do; to make venir: to come querer: to want; to like; to love Irregular en todas las 6 formas... NO ACENTOS

Remember “-J/-CIR” rhymes with decir. If a verb ends with “cir” (and “traer”), then it will have a “J” in all 6 forms. conducir: to drive decir: to say; to tell producir: to produce traducir: to translate traer: to bring Irregular en todas las 6 formas... NO ACENTOS

I f you flip the “Y” upside down in the verb chart as you see in the picture then you can see that the “irregular” form is in the 3rd person singular and plural. Caer, creer, leer & oír HAVE ACCENTS in all forms but the 3rd person plural. You can remember these 4 verbs because they aren’t -UIR, but there are 2 vowels in front of the “r”. (cAEr, crEEr, lEEr, Oír. caer: to fallhuir: to flee creer: to believeincluir: to include destruir: to destroyinfluir: to influence leer: to readsustituir: to substitute o í r: to hear construir: to construct contribuir: to contribute Irregular en todas las tercera personas plural y singular

I see the chart as a girl wearing pajamas and slippers. The verbs are irregular in the “SLIPPER” part of the girl (the 3rd person singular & plural). corregir: to correctrepetir: to repeat divertirSE: to have funseguir: to follow dormir: to sleepsentir: to regret freír: to frysentirSE: to feel hervir: to boilservir: to serve medir: to measuresugerir: to suggest morir: to die vestir (SE): to get dressed pedir: to order; to ask for preferir: to prefer Irregular en las terceras personas plural y singular

Most-Morir Drunk-Dormir People-Pedir Very-Vestirse Rarely-Repetir See-Seguir Signs-Servir Please-Preferir Drive-Divertirse Safely-Sentirse If it wears a boot in the present, it wore a flip-flop in the past!

Most-Morir Drunk-Dormir People-Pedir Very-Vestirse Rarely-Repetir See-Seguir Signs-Servir Please-Preferir Drive-Divertirse Safely-Sentirse In the preterite, stem changes take place ONLY: *in -ir verbs *in 3rd person *e->i Or o -> u If it wears a boot in the present, it wore a flip-flop in the past! -AR and -ER verbs do NOT change Por ejemplo: Pensar PenséPensamos PensastePensasteis PensóPensaron

Is the verb ACTION or DESCRIPTION? If ACTION: What kind of action? If DESCRIPTION, use imperfect Action once?Or repeated? Action completed?Or still on-going? Is action at the beginning of end? Or somewhere IN THE MIDDLE? Are the actions in a sequence? Or are they happening SIMULTANEOUSLY? Use the preterite Use the imperfect