WORKING GROUP 2: “PARTNERSHIP & STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT” CHAIR:Mr Ridzwan Kasim, DSM (Malaysia) CO-CHAIR: Mr Yasukazu Fukuda, JISC (Japan) MEMBERS: Ms Lourdes Margarita De Cosio Gonzalez, DGN (Mexico) Mr German Nava, ICONTEC (Colombia) Mr Chenguang Guo, SAC (China) Ms Weijia Xia, SAC (China) Ms Vu Thi Hong Hanh, STAMEQ (Vietnam)
Overview PASC STRATEGIC PLAN Key Initiatives Desired Outcomes
Enhanced participation, influence and visibility of PASC members Effective coordination on common positions on policy and governance matters Greater information exchanges on matters of mutual interest and benefits Wider promotion of the benefits of standardization and conformance
Approach To increase collaborations with the following organisations: a) International and regional standards development, accreditation, metrology and trade organizations. b) Regional stakeholders i.e. governments, industry, chambers of commerce and consumers associations as well as PASC members’ experts.
Key Initiatives Coordinating common positions among PASC membersCoordinating with regional and international bodies Inviting international or regional organisations or PASC regional stakeholders to PASC meetings and regional workshops Encouraging PASC members to attend major conference/seminars/events organised by key partners and stakeholders
Proposed Priority Activities for 2016 No.Sub-ActivityTimelineResource 1 Conduct follow-ups to the MSME workshop in Bali and a survey of case studies/best practices with PASC members Sept / Oct 2016 WG 2 / PASC Sec 2 Report the results of follow-ups and the survey with some proposed further priority actions for 2017 as need to the PASC members for review and comments Feb / Mar 2017 WG 2 / PASC Sec 3 Report proposed priority actions of 2017 as appropriate at the PASC 40 for discussion and decision May 2017WG 2 / PASC Sec Activity 1 Compiling a list of Case Studies/Best Practices and/or follow up actions for MSME engagement in Standardisation after PASC 39 for reporting at PASC 40
Proposed Priority Activities for 2016 No.Sub-ActivityTimelineResource 1 Identify potential collaborative projects within WG2 in collaboration with the PASC Secretariat End of 2016WG 2 / PASC Sec 2 Consult potential collaborative projects with PASC members for review and comments Feb / Mar 2017 WG 2 / PASC Sec 3 Report proposed priority actions for 2017 as appropriate at the PASC 40 for discussion and decision May 2017WG 2 / PASC Sec Activity 2 Identifying collaborative projects among the PASC Secretariat, APEC SCSC Secretariat, IEC APRC and ISO RO/REI which are currently located in Singapore
Proposed Priority Activities for 2016 No.Sub-ActivityTimelineResource 1 Report the result of ISO Training course for Chairs and Convenors in March 2016 at PASC 39 May 2016WG 2 / PASC Sec 2 Announce another ISO Training course for Chairs and Convenors to the PASC members when ready OngoingWG 2 / PASC Sec 3 Encourage PASC members' participation to the ISO Service workshop in Jun 2016 at PASC 39 May 2016WG 2 / PASC Sec Activity 3 Involving more PASC members in major conferences/seminars/events of ISO/IEC/APEC SCSC
Proposed Priority Activities for 2016 No.Sub-ActivityTimelineResource 4 Report the PASC participation and contribution to the ISO Service workshop at PASC 40 May 2017WG 2 / PASC Sec 5 Encourage PASC members' participation to other conferences/seminars/events of ISO/IEC/APEC SCSC upon availability OngoingWG 2 / PASC Sec Activity 3 Involving more PASC members in major conferences/seminars/events of ISO/IEC/APEC SCSC
Proposed Priority Activities for 2016 No.Sub-ActivityTimelineResource 1 Take into account the result of 11th Conference on Standards and Conference of APEC in WG2 activity 2 Sept / Oct 2016 WG 2 / PASC Sec 2 Share the results of APEC/SCSC Workshop on MSMEs with the PASC members when conducting follow-ups and a survey with the PASC members as WG2 activity 1 Sept / Oct 2016 WG 2 / PASC Sec Activity 4 (with WG 3) PASC presentation and participation in the following meetings: a)11th Conference on Standards and Conformance b)Workshop on Supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Trade Facilitation through Standardization Activities
Thank you