Renewables Readiness Assessment - Tanzania Dar Es Salaam March 9, 2016 Safiatou Alzouma Nouhou IRENA
About IRENA Headquarters in Abu Dhabi and Innovation & Technology Centre in Bonn Established: April 2011 Mission: Accelerating deployment of all forms of renewable energy 145 Members 31 Signatories Bioenergy Geothermal Hydropower Ocean Solar Wind Energy Energy Energy Energy
IRENA: Programmatic Structure 3 IRENA’s Central Knowledge Repository Renewables Policy and Finance Data Collection and Analysis Global Atlas and Resource Assessment International off-grid RE conf. RE Socio-economic Impacts Coalition for Action for renewable energy Online Learning Portal (IRELP) Knowledge, Policy and Finance Centre (KPFC) IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre (IITC) Country Support and Partnerships (CSP) Cost & Performance Technology Solutions Technology Roadmaps RE Costing Analysis RE Technology Roadmaps Project Navigator Dynamic Modelling & Grid Stability Studies RE Standardisation National & Regional RE Strategies Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Capacity Needs Assessment & Capacity Building RRAs in up 26 countries Clean Energy Corridors GREIN: Global Islands Network Global Geothermal Alliance Technical Advisory and Capacity Building Programmes
What is RRA? Comprehensive assessment of the situation on the ground for RE deployment; identification of obstacles hindering accelerated deployment; recommending short / medium-term actions to overcome them Country-initiated, country-led process Inclusive and multi-stakeholder process promoting consensus Process establishing a basis for future collaboration IRENA as facilitator
RRA countries (26) Asia Philippines Mongolia Pakistan Processed 19 in in
Recommended Actions in Sub-Saharan Africa RRAs
RRA Recommendations by Country
RRA Recommendations – Implementation Status
Impacts of RRAs in Africa MAURITANIA SENEGAL THE GAMBIA GHANA NIGER DJIBOUTI MOZAMBIQUE ZAMBIA SWAZILAND The government taking concrete steps on various fronts to promote RE based off-grid rural electrification. Adoption of the Decree No providing conditions of power purchase and remuneration for electricity generated by RE plants and the conditions of their connection to the grid; Adoption of the Decree No provides the conditions of power purchase of surplus RE-based electricity from self-producers Development of FiT for RE with the support of EU WB- strategy and action plan on RE deployment in Senegal Enactment of RE law and establishment of RE fund GREC revived, CB activities for key stakeholders of the RE sector Development of standards and labels for RE equipment A new Rural Electrification Agency created. Reallocation of part of the tax on electricity for rural electrification as part of the internal resource mobilization mechanism for RE promotion RRA used as basis for a geothermal intervention of USAID Inclusion of RE in the electricity Master Plan and Electricity Law Tax exemption for all RE equipment Developed national strategy for energy conservation focusing on renewables. Mapping of RE resources and development of feed-in-tariffs Integrated resource planning under development RE resources mapping for the whole country done RE feed-in-tariffs adopted Rural Electrification Strategy with RE focus revised for private sector involvement Grid Code adopted RE and IPP policies under development RE being integrated into national energy policy and legislation Integrated resource planning under development
Advisory Services Regional Initiatives Capacity Building Renewable Readiness Assessments Outcomes of the RRAs
Advisory Services REmap 2030 provides a plan to double the share of renewable energy in the world's energy mix between 2010 and (Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa) Small-hydro trainings for Zambia, Mozambique, Swaziland and The Gambia to come up with small hydro promotion strategy. SPLAT: least-cost System Planning Test (SPLAT) models to support planning for long-term power generation expansion plans. Capacity Needs Assessment at regional level in ECOWAS to promote RE-based mini-grids.
Central America Clean Energy Corridor Africa Clean Energy Corridor Pan Arab Clean Energy ASEAN Power Grid Regional Clean Energy Corridors Energy Security Regional markets Job creation Reduce environmental impacts Competitive prices and economies of scale
Jan 2014 Ministerial Communique signed to endorse ACEC Action Agenda Today Supported by more than 30 countries, development partners, regional organizations, IFIs, and private sector
14 Africa Clean Energy Corridor (ACEC) ACTION PILLARS: Zoning and Resource Assessment Identification of high resource zones for RE development. Country and Regional Planning Consideration of cost-effective RE options for power generation in national and regional plans. Enabling Frameworks for Investment Opening markets to IPPs, reducing the costs of RE financing and facilitating power trade. Capacity Building Development of skills to build, plan, operate, power grids with higher RE shares. Public Information Awareness raising and promotion of the ACEC and its benefit.
Sep 2015, Abidjan Kick-off Meeting Strong support expressed by all 15 ECOWAS countries, ECOWAS Secretariat, ECREEE, WAPP, ERERA, AfDB and other stakeholders ACEC – West Africa
16 ProSPER: Promoting a Sustainable PV Market in the ECOWAS Region Objective: Development of a sustainable market for on- and off-grid PV applications by: policymakers regulators and utilities, financial institutions entrepreneurs. strengthening and developing local capacities of policymakers, regulators and utilities, financial institutions and renewable energy entrepreneurs. ECOWAS Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Support Facility Objectives: Assist entrepreneurs in specific requests for improving their business operations. Provide mentorship and technical support to existing entrepreneurs. Provide advisory services upon request. Refine entrepreneurs’ Project proposals to bankable levels. Subject to External Funding: Established fund to support entrepreneurs in obtaining seed funding and testing the viability of their ideas. Increased demonstration of pilot projects.
International Certification Accreditation (e.g. ANSI, ISO/IEC 17024) Verifies that certification providers adhere to international standards National or Regional Education Providers (e.g. local universities, technical colleges, vocational training centres) Prepare curricula and training course content based on JTA Regional Certification Provider (e.g. NABCEP) Develops technical guidelines (JTA) for renewable energy and designs exams Trained and Certified Technicians IREC: Inter-State Renewable Energy Council NABCEP: North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners JTA: Job Task Analysis (Technical guidelines, competency standards) National or Regional Training Accreditation ( e.g. IREC, with IREC Standard 01023) Accredits training programmes, academic institutions under international standards Certification Program for solar PV installers in ECOWAS
Thank you.