EPortfolio Implementation Process Andrea Ghoneim
Structure and basics Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education The structure of this process specification basically orientates at an adaptation of the process model of ISO/IEC for Learning, Education, and Training, which „provides a harmonized approach to manage, assure, or assess quality“ (Pawlowski 2007: 7). The adaptation bases on JISC’s „Six steps to e-portfolio-based learning“. These steps – may serve as a quick introduction into the process (JISC 2008: 36-37)
Structure and basics Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education
1. Definition of tool and objectives; framework analysis Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education
2. Conception and design of the ePortfolio process („Understand “) Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education
3. Preparing the ground for the implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education
Implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education Considerations for tutors (teachers) What is the purpose of the e-portfolio for learners? Who is going to explain this to the learner and when? How prescriptive will tutors be regarding the use of the e-portfolio and regarding the artefacts used by learners? What effect will it have on the curriculum? What programme re-design, and possibly re-validation, will be required? What aspects of the e-portfolio will be assessed and at which levels: module, programme or institutional? Will the e-portfolio be integrated within programmes or an additional optional activity? Will it be mandatory? Source: JISC „Implementing e-portfolios checklist“ (
Implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education Legal considerations Who owns the e-portfolio? (see Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights section as well!) What data will be added to the e-portfolio by the institution eg from student database? Who will be responsible for this? What advice will learners be given about what files not to upload into an e- portfolio? Checklist: JISC „Implementing e-portfolios checklist“
Implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education Development and support considerations Who will be providing staff support and development? Have tutors been consulted about the type of development they would like? What are the roles of tutors and what are the roles of support staff, for example, careers advisors for the e-portfolio implementation? e-Portfolios cannot be deployed in isolation – learners need extensive guidance on how and why to use them Who will show learners how to use the system? Will there be an institutional programme or will it remain the responsibility of the tutor? Checklist: JISC „Implementing e-portfolios checklist“
Implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education Technical Checklist A key issue is that technology must be fit for purpose FROM ‘LESSONS LEARNED’, COMPORT CASE STUDY … but, of course there are a lot of technical issues to consider... For the Checklist see: JISC „Implementing e-portfolios checklist“:
Implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education Support and scalability considerations Can the system scale adequately as its usage grows and storage expands? Will there be adequate staff to develop, deploy and maintain the system? Will there be an infrastructure in place to properly train learners and administrators how to use the e-portfolio system? Will there be adequate online help or will a staffed help desk be required? Source: JISC „Implementing e-portfolios checklist“
Implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education Security and Privacy considerations What policies need to be in place for governing information access, security and privacy? How will they be controlled? How will Data Protection Act agreements be ‘signed’ on a larger scale? What are the issues associated with pre-18 year olds using the system? Source: JISC „Implementing e-portfolios checklist“
Implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education Adoption How likely is it that learners will accept and use the e-portfolio system? Will the system be user-friendly enough for adoption? Maintenance How will information be maintained over time? What policies are needed for transporting or deleting e-portfolios? How will long-term storage requirements be managed? Interoperability and standards How will data entered for e-portfolio purposes be utilised in other ways? By other systems? Usability – low threshold for participation is required Source: JISC „Implementing e-portfolios checklist“
Implementation Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education Ownership and IPR (= Intellectual Property Rights) considerations How will the e-portfolio system authenticate that all the work, documentation and demonstrations were created by the author? Who is the real owner of the artefacts in the e-portfolio file repository? How will intellectual property used in an e-portfolio be protected? What can or cannot be included in an e-portfolio? Who owns the learner record (transcript)? Source: JISC „Implementing e-portfolios checklist“:
Policy briefing Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education EUfolio partners recommend a teacher-centered implementation of ePortfolios to the pilot schools. Well prepared teachers will develop projects and/or teaching methods involving ePortfolios in the curriculum. This, however, means that teachers have to have the full support on policy, institutional, and technical level as well as ongoing support. For preparing the implementation, we recommend a briefing with JISC’s implementing ePortfolios checklist (JISC 2008/2013) For evaluation purposes working with the AeP Maturity model is recommended (however, there is a teacher's toolkit, too – work in progress...)
Sources Danube University Krems University for Continuing Education EUfolio process specification (internal document, draft 01/2014) AeP (2008). Australian ePortfolio Project. ePortfolio use by university students in Australia: Informing excellence in policy and practice Himpsl-Gutermann, Klaus (2012). E-Portfolios in der universitären Weiterbildung. Studierende im Spannungsfeld von Reflexivem Lernen und Digital Career Identity. Boizenburg: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. JISC (2008/2013). Implementing ePortfolios Checklist.
Thank you for your attention! Andrea Ghoneim, Danube University Krems