Solar on Grid Systems 123 Zero Energy
If you need an affordable solar energy solution for transforming your home into a Zero Energy Home, the solar Grid Tied PV kits are the most ideal products that can be installed fast. They function differently than off-grid systems but assure to meet your energy generation and consumption goals very easily. Solar on Grid Systems contain solar electrical panels that work efficiently in every climate condition. You can use them on your rooftop and be sure of getting at least 20 to 50% of energy that you need for annual consumption.
123 Zero Energy Grid-tied solar systems have great potential for producing affordable green energy for your domestic use, residential users. They are normally connected to the local electrical grid, and enable you and your neighbors to receive solar energy and electricity from the grid as well. Solar on grid systems don ’ t have to produce all the energy required for your home or residence. When there is no requirement of solar energy, the active solar panels on-grid system will send the extra or additional electricity back into the grid so that it can be used elsewhere. When you home is in need of energy but the solar PV kits are not able to generate electrical energy due to darkness or poor weather condition, electricity supply will be made from the grid to make up the shortage of electricity from the PV panels.
123 Zero Energy Being an owner of solar grid-tied systems, you will have to sign a net metering contract with the local utility. Such a contract enables solar-on- grid system users to sell their excess solar power back to the utility company and get credit in the form of kilowatt hour on their energy bill for next month. Living with energy from a solar grid-tied PV system feels like living with electricity from utility, except the plus point that you don ’ t have to pay for the electricity that you derive from the sun through the grid. We can provide 500 Watt Grid-tied solar systems to protect you from power shortage or failure. Using our solar on-grid system will help you get credited with 30 kWh to 75 kWh of electricity per month. You can expect them to stop function with a failure in your electrical utility grid. As a result utility grid can get repaired without waiting for the solar energy system to stop providing energy into the power line.
123 Zero Energy For building Zero Energy Homes with attractive paybacks, tax incentives and financial rebates, consider purchasing highly capable and efficient solar on-grid systems from 123 Zero Energy. We will deliver you reliable, safe and affordable solar grid tied PV kits to make your energy experience more fruitful. solar on-grid systems from 123 Zero Energy
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