Introduction of OIML R59 Moisture Meters for Cereal Grains and Oilseeds (1984) 1 Dr. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto Chair of APLMF WG on Quality Measurements of Agricultural.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction of OIML R59 Moisture Meters for Cereal Grains and Oilseeds (1984) 1 Dr. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto Chair of APLMF WG on Quality Measurements of Agricultural Products (QMAP) National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) at APLMF Training Course on Traceability in Rice Moisture Measurement November, 2013 Imperial Mae Ping Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand

CONTENTS 1.Introduction of OIML 2.Outline of OIML R 59 3.Current situation of revision of R 59, and a new OIML Recommendation for protein measurement 4.Summary comments 2

Presidential Council OIML Organization Chart International Conference of Legal Metrology (IML) International Committee of Legal Metrology (CIML) P. Mason (UK) International Committee of Legal Metrology (CIML) P. Mason (UK) Technical Committee (18 TCs) International Bureau of Legal Metrology (BIML) S. Patoray International Bureau of Legal Metrology (BIML) S. Patoray English Translation Center Subcommittee ( 45 SCs) International Working Group (IWC) National Working Group (NWC) National Working Group (NWC) Every year Every 4 years 1. Introduction of OIML (International Organization of Legal Metrology) Established in 1955 following the conclusion of OIML Convention.Established in 1955 following the conclusion of OIML Convention. 59 member states and 67 corresponding member states (Nov 2013)59 member states and 67 corresponding member states (Nov 2013) A standard setting organization under the agreement on WTO/TBT in together with ISO and IEC.A standard setting organization under the agreement on WTO/TBT in together with ISO and IEC. Dedicated to harmonize national metrology regulations of member states to remove technical barriers to trade.Dedicated to harmonize national metrology regulations of member states to remove technical barriers to trade. To help developing countries to set up sound national legal metrology systems.To help developing countries to set up sound national legal metrology systems.

OIML Recommendations (R) Model technical regulations of measuring instruments consisting of: (1) technical requirements, (2) test procedures for conformity to the requirements, and (3) test report format.Model technical regulations of measuring instruments consisting of: (1) technical requirements, (2) test procedures for conformity to the requirements, and (3) test report format. Developed by TC/SC and PG (Project Group in TC or SC), then approved by CIMLDeveloped by TC/SC and PG (Project Group in TC or SC), then approved by CIML Member states are morally recommended to implement the Recommendation in their national systems.Member states are morally recommended to implement the Recommendation in their national systems. More than 100 recommendations (R7-R143) have been published and be downloaded freely from the OIML website.More than 100 recommendations (R7-R143) have been published and be downloaded freely from the OIML website. 1. Introduction of OIML

5 OIML TC/SC Regarding Quality Measurements of Agricultural Products (1) TC17/SC1: Humidity Document: R59: Moisture Meters for Cereal Grains and Oilseeds Secretariat: PR China & USA (2) TC17/SC8: Instruments for Quality Analysis of Agricultural Products Document: New Rxxx: Protein Measuring Instruments for Cereal Grain and Oil Seeds Secretariat: Australia

”Moisture meters for cereal grains and oilseeds” (1984) 1.Scope: measuring moisture contents of grains and oilseeds with a direct or indirect (conversion table…) method. 2.Field of Application: applicable only to static samples (do not move during measurement) in the categories A & B (see clauses 5 & 6). 3.General: definitions of terms and general requirements to moisture meters (moisture content, conversion tables, etc.). Moisture content (MC) is defined as a loss of mass under test conditions in accordance with ISO 712*. 2. Outline of OIML R 59 6 *ISO 712 : Cereals and cereal products - Determination of moisture content - Routine reference method

4.General technical requirements: construction, indication device, conversion tables, security requirements to measurement, etc. These requirements apply to both of the categories A & B (clauses 5 & 6). 5.Moisture meters of category A (automatic): Entirely automatic and single complete instrument with a printing device. Security to measurement results is required. 6.Moisture meters of category B (non-automatic): Moisture meters which do not belong to the category A. The completeness of the instrument and security are also required. 2. Outline of OIML R 59 (cont.)

7.Inscription: markings and identifications regarding; manufacturer, model, serial number, class, range, calibration, type approval, measuring range, temperature range of use, etc.(if applicable). 8.Maximum permissible errors (MPE) are defined for; (1) purposes: type approval, initial verification and verifications in-service, (2) categories of the instruments: classes I & II, and (3) kinds of sample: maize, rice, sorghum, sunflower... For example, MPEs in type approval for the instruments in ‘class I’ used for rice are 0.4 % in mass fraction (≤10 % MC) and 4 % in moisture content (>10 % MC). 2. Outline of OIML R 59 (cont.)

9 9.Seals for protection and guarantee, table certification marks: parts containing mechanical and/or electrical measuring functions shall be sealed from unauthorized access. 10.Sanction of the controls – Stamping: attachment of verification mark(s) is required. 11.Provisions to assure fairness of the measurement operations: additional requirements regarding; guarantee by the seller, installation condition (instrument should be visible by all parties), choice & sampling method of the sample, and condition of use.

12.Appendix I: Practical reference methods for the verification. ISO 712 (1979) is referred. 13.Appendix II: Routine reference method for the verification. ISO 665* (1977) is referred. 14.Appendix III: Metrological controls. Specifics the procedures of type approval and initial/periodical verifications. ISO 7700* part 1 and 2 (1984) are referred as the reference method for checking the moisture meters. However, appendix III is given as an example. *ISO 665: Oilseeds - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content *ISO 7700 : Check of the calibration of moisture meters - Part 1: Moisture meters for cereals. - Part 2: Moisture meters for oilseeds. 2. Outline of OIML R 59 (cont.)

2001: TC17/SC1 meeting was held in Berlin to start revising R59 (1984). SC1 agreed that US would provide 1CD (1 st committee draft). 2002: The US completed 1CD. TC17/SC1 secretariat in PR China circulated the 1CD to the member countries for comments. 2003: The US developed 2CD and it was circulated to the members. 2003: SC1 meeting was held in Beijing to review 2CD. 2004: The US drafted 3CD. The secretariat circulated the 3CD and 4CD. 2007: SC1 meeting was held at NIST in US. 5CD was developed. 2009: SC1 members submitted comments to 5CD in May. 2010: SC1 meeting was held in Orlando in US, and 6CD was proposed. 2013: SC1 meeting was held at NIST in US in July to discuss on 6CD. 2014?Draft recommendation might be proposed to CIML? 3.1 Current situation of revision of R Meeting in 2013

The scope covers indirect measurement methods for MC which has a direct and digital indicating device. The scope covers indirect measurement methods for MC which has a direct and digital indicating device. Environmental conditions (temp., humidity, power…) for storage, operation and testing were specified clearly. Environmental conditions (temp., humidity, power…) for storage, operation and testing were specified clearly. Sample temperature range including the difference between the sample and the instrument was specified. Sample temperature range including the difference between the sample and the instrument was specified. Minimum sample size was specified (each country may decide it). Minimum sample size was specified (each country may decide it). MPEs did not change significantly, but other limitations (error sift, repeatability…) were added. MPEs in field inspections were added. MPEs did not change significantly, but other limitations (error sift, repeatability…) were added. MPEs in field inspections were added. Many requirements were added to protect software and calibration parameters based on OIML D31. Higher severity level of D31 was applied only to the instruments connected to an open network. Many requirements were added to protect software and calibration parameters based on OIML D31. Higher severity level of D31 was applied only to the instruments connected to an open network. Requirements for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) were added based on OIML D11. Requirements for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) were added based on OIML D11. Test procedures for type approval were added. Test procedures for type approval were added. Requirements to sample treatment were added. Requirements to sample treatment were added. Test report format was added. Test report format was added. 3.2 Current situation of R59 CD6 (additional information)

2002: 37th CIML decided to set up a new SC: TC17/SC8 (Instruments for quality analysis of agricultural products) with the secretariat in Australia. 2003: SC8 informed members to start drafting a new OIML Recommendation on protein measurements. 2004: SC8 held a meeting in Sydney. An outline of the draft was proposed. 2006: SC8 circulated 1CD of the recommendation. 2007: SC8 meeting was held at NIST in US. 2010: 2CD was provided. SC8 meeting on 2CD was held in Orlando in US. 2012: 3CD was provided, and SC8 members submitted comments. 2013: 4CD was provided in April. SC8 meeting was held at NIST in US in July with TC17/SC1 meeting. Comments on 4CD were discussed. 3.3 A new OIML Recommendation for protein measurement (additional information) 13

4. Summary Comments R59 practically aims at moisture meters based on electrical capacitance and near infrared methods.R59 practically aims at moisture meters based on electrical capacitance and near infrared methods. In the revision of R59, WG on QMAP has submitted comments from a viewpoint of Asian economies where many resistance-type meters are used.In the revision of R59, WG on QMAP has submitted comments from a viewpoint of Asian economies where many resistance-type meters are used. Active participation from Asian OIML members to the discussion is requested.Active participation from Asian OIML members to the discussion is requested. CCQM ( Consul. Com. for Amount of Substances ) in CIPM considers moisture content is important, but they consider it is difficult to deal with it due to strong dependence on sample and methodology.CCQM ( Consul. Com. for Amount of Substances ) in CIPM considers moisture content is important, but they consider it is difficult to deal with it due to strong dependence on sample and methodology. 14