Wall Township Single Stream Recycling Prepared by the: Environmental Advisory Committee Committeeman George K. Newberry
2011 Mayor and Committee: Mayor Ann Marie Contenn Marie Conte Deputy Mayor Jeffrey W. Foster Committeeman Clinton C. Hoffman Committeeman Todd W. Luttman Committeeman George K. Newberry Jeffrey W. Foster Clinton C. Hoffman Todd W. Luttman George K. Newberry
What is Single Stream Recycling? “Single Stream Recycling is a system that takes two recycling “streams” – Newspaper and commingled containers – and puts them together in one bin.
In Other Words All items that are acceptable for recycling can now be put together in one trash can that you can place at the curb for your regular assigned pickup days
Town To Receive Part of the Profit These commingled materials will then be hauled to a processing plant specifically designed to mechanically separate the mixed materials so they may be sold and re- processed.
Waste Management Facility Lakewood, NJ
Recycling Can – Think Green – Yes Cans/Jars: Glass bottles & jars Tin and aluminum cans Aerosol cans (EMPTY only) Metal jar lids
Recycling Can – Think Green -- Yes Paper: Corrugated cardboard (flattened) Paperboard boxes (e.g. cereal, pasta & tissue boxes) Newspapers & inserts (no bags) Magazines, brochures & catalogues Mail & greeting cards Office paper Photo paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper File folders Phone books Paperback books Hardcover books with the cover removed Paper bags Empty paper and toilet paper rolls (the core) Shredded paper
Recycling Can – Think Green –Yes Plastics: Pourable Plastic containers such as milk cartons, water bottles Detergent containers, shampoo bottles, etc. Rigid plastics
Put in Recycling Can – Think Green Review – Yes Yes Newspaper, office paper Junk mail, envelopes, magazines Flat corrugated cardboard Cereal Boxes Glass bottles and jars Metal food/beverage containers Plastic water, soda, milk bottles, juice boxes Shampoo, detergent bottles ** All loose and mixed in one can – nothing tied. ** Do not put in plastic trash bags
Important Recycling Tips Empty and lightly rinse all containers DO NOT tie up newspapers and cardboard – just throw in the can Use a container with a lid to ensure that papers do not blow away Containers should not be larger than 32 gallons or over 50 lbs DO NOT put recyclables in plastic bags
NO NEED TO REMOVE: Tape, paper clips, staples, stamps, labels, metal fasteners, rubber bands, plastic tabs, post-it notes.
Trash Can – Think Red – No, No Not Accepted for Curbside Single Stream Recycling Plastic bags Aluminum foil Waxed paper or waxed cardboard Pizza boxes Microwavable trays Containers from frozen food Light bulbs Mirrors Window or auto glass Drinking glasses
Trash Can – Think Red – No, No Not Accepted for Curbside Single Stream Recycling Glass cookware Ceramics, porcelain, china, vases Tissues, paper towels, napkins Styrofoam & paper to-go containers Plastic 6-pack holders Batteries Tires Paint cans (empty or full) Coat hangers Appliances (e.g. toasters, TVs, etc.
Put in Trash Can – Think Red Review – No, No Food, coffee grounds, etc Plastic bags, plastic shopping bags, plastic wrap Pizza boxes Diapers Plastic utensils, deli containers, etc. Styrofoam Window glass, ceramics, dishware Wire, wire hangers, Christmas lights.
2 nd Reminder: All in One Can Yes, Yes Cardboard Newspaper Junk Mail Bottles Cans Glass Bottles Cereal Boxes More ** Loose, mixed, and untied
Advantages to Single Stream Recycling 1 No Tipping Fees. Saves money & encourages more recycling Wall Township receives part of the profit on selling recycled materials and for re-processing Recycling reduces the emissions of many greenhouse gases and water pollutants
Advantages to Single Stream Recycling 2 Recycling saves energy Recycling supplies valuable raw materials to industry Recycling creates jobs and stimulates the development of greener technologies Recycling generates less solid waste and conserves resources for future generations Recycling reduces the need for new landfills and combustors
Pick Up Schedule Recycling will be picked up at the curb twice a month. Please see the recycling schedule for your assigned pickup days on
How are the materials separated? Automated sorting equipment separates the comingled materials at the recycling facility. Quality control personnel are on duty as well to monitor the process. Once the materials are separated, they can be marketed to recyclers who make new products.
Where are the Recycling Drop-Off Centers and when are they open? Tiltons Corner Road Recycling Center - adjacent to the South Wall Little League fields. Marconi Complex Recycling Facility - located off Monmouth Blvd; adjacent Marconi Complex Recycling Facility to the North Wall Little League fields. The hours of operation are: Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 3:15 pm Saturdays 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Additional Info: Monmouth County Recycles Electronics. Free Drop Off Wall Township’s Newest Recycling Center for Electronics Tiltons Corner Road adjacent to the South Wall Little League fields. Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. State law now prohibits disposal of computers and TVs with trash Items Accepted Computer Cases, CPU’s, Keyboards, Mice, Monitors, Scanners, Printers, Cables, Laptops, Peripherals, Televisions, Radios, Cameras, Telephones, Copiers, Fax Machines, VCR’s, DVD Players, and Stereo Components For more info, call County Planning at
Plastic Bags, Used Oil & Batteries Plastic bags can be recycled at local supermarkets. Used oil should be brought to local gas stations or the Monmouth County Household Hazardous Waste Facility (call ). Button batteries and rechargeable batteries should be recycled at the Monmouth County Household Hazardous Waste Facility (call ). Alkaline non-rechargeable batteries (e.g. AA, AAA, C & D) can be thrown in the trash.
Compact Florescent Light Bulbs Compact florescent light bulbs (CFL) can be recycled at Home Depot. To find out where to recycle additional items visit or call CLEANUP
Single Stream Recycling Begins June 6, 2011 Major Resource – Knowledge is Power! $ ave the Township money, recycle more!