2 The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is an independent, non-governmental organization of the businesses in Bulgaria. It main purpose is to support, promote, represent and protect the economic interests of its members, and contribute for the development of the international economic cooperation. The membership with BCCI is voluntary. The BCCI is the biggest employer’s organization in Bulgaria – comprising over members.
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 3 Major spheres of activity of the BCCI: Participation in the social dialogue with the state Provision of a great number of services to the business Foreign-economic co-operation Settlement of trade disputes
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 4 Economic potential of the BCCI’s company members
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 5 Economic potential of the BCCI’s company members
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 6 Economic potential of the BCCI’s company members
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 7 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activity Regular member of EUROCHAMBRES Unified system of the BCCI and 28 regional chambers Council of 90 branch organizations Participation in 13 joint chambers and business councils with foreign participation Participation in 216 advisory councils and work groups
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 8 Association of the Black Sea Zone CCI Association of the Balkan Chambers International Council on Cooperation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Central European Initiative Black Sea Economic Cooperation Business Council Participation in 11 international organizations BCCI’s participation in international organizations
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 9 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activities Participation in EU funded projects, enhancing the BCCI’s capacity to manage activities, supporting the development and strengthening of the SMEs; creation of business service networks; seminars, trainings and exchange of placements for professionals. International Cooperation and International Organizatio ns Assistance for establishing of contacts with partners from all over the world ; matchmaking workshops and seminars; annual editions of Bulgarian Trade Directorate European integration and European projects
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 10 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activity BULPRО EEN Provides assistance, consultancy and information about EU acquis and requirements per product groups, business matchmaking. National body at BCCI for facilitation of transport and international trade.
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 11 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activity Trade Register Maintenance of unified voluntary Trade Register, validation of various documents in connection with the foreign trade, records on foreign trade representation offices. Provision of consultation on legal, financial, insurance, custom and other issues; services on registration of foreign companies in Bulgaria; translation services. Consultations Bureau
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 12 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activity Fairs and exhibitions GS 1 Bulgaria Organization of national and international specialized exhibitions in the country and abroad; annual edition of the Calendar of the Fairs and Exhibitions in Bulgaria. Part of the GS1 leading global organization dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve efficiency and visibility in supply and demand chains globally and across sectors.
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 13 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activity Arbitration Court Out-of-court tribunal institution for fast and efficient settlement of private law property disputes. Mediation Centre Provision of assistance in settlement of disputes through mediation, organization of training for mediators. A Memorandum for direction of the cases for mediation to the Sofia District Court was signed on 16 September
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 14 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activity Economic analyses Bulgarian- Bavarian Centre on Quality Management Provision of consultations on quality management, development and implementation of quality management systems ISO 9001, ISO 17025, HASSP Publication of “TOP 100” catalogue of the most successful companies, development of economic analyses, provision of information based on the annual financial statements of the companies.
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 15 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activity Library Electronic and printed publications Publication of periodicals and non-periodicals in Bulgarian and English languages. 51 copies of the “Infobusiness” bulletin in Bulgarian and 12 copies in English were published in A wide range of book stock (more than 8000 volumes) and information in electronic format in more than 10 languages.
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 16 Concrete dimensions of the BCCI’s activity Computer Systems E-Trade Information Centre Design, development, implementation and maintenance of the computer information systems of the BCCI; introduction of new e-based services for members. Maintenance of the BCCI’s web-site: Issuance of certificates for electronic signature, consultations in relation to the electronic trade, development of individual e- business strategies.
BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 17 Thank you for your attention! Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 9, Iskar str Sofia Bulgaria Tel.: (+359 2) or Fax: (+359 2) Web site: Holder of ISO 9001:2000 since November 2004