WTO/ TBT / SPS,Notification Authority and Enquiry Point Nairobi- Kenya Presented by : NKORERIMANA Georgette Mobile: March 2016
Outline Legal and Regulations The functions Activities BBN measurement capabilities on TBT/SPS agreement Industrial experiences Challenges Future Development
Legal and Regulations - Act N°1/036 of December13 th, 1989 concerning the establishment of the standardization and quality control system; -Act N°1/17 of May7th,1992 concerning the establishment of a standardization and quality control Bureau ; -Decree N° 100/092 of August29th,2001 relating to the Status of the Burundi Bureau of Standards and Quality Control (BBN); --Decree N° 100 of April26th,2010 relating to the nomination of the Members of Board of Council of BBN,
-Law N°1/03 of January 4th, 2011 bearing the national system of standardization, metrology, Quality Assurance and Testing; -Decree N°100/099 of March30th, 2013 concerning establishment, missions and organisation of the national SPS Committee; -Regulation of November 6th, 2013 concerning the quality control of traded products in Burundi; -Regulation of november 6th, 2013 relating the verification and calibration of measuring and weighing instruments
-Law N°1/016 of Mach 17th, 2007 Baring Health Public --Law N° 1/28 of 24 December 2009 on Sanitary Policy of Domestic Animals, Wilds, Watering and Bees.
--Law N ° 1/06 of 21 mach 2010 on Veterinary Profession.Law on Sanitary Inspection Measures of Animals and Animal Products. -Decret law N °1/033 of June 30th 1993 bearing plant Protection in Burundi.
The functions of BBN * Prepare the drafts of national standards in collaboration with the technical committees; * Promote the management and the quality assurance; * Serve of metrological center; * Create and manage a certification mark; * Create and coordinate committees, laboratories and other services in the areas of standardization and quality control; * Promote the training of technical staff of BBN and of enterprises; * Contribute in the research of adapted technologies and procure all documentations for itself and for partners related to standardization and Quality control matters; * Represent the national interests nearby the foreign and international institutions of standardization and quality control; * Undertake and coordinate any activity related to standardization and quality control.
*Burundi Bureau of Standards is: -The National Enquiry Point (NEP) on technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) *Direction of Plant Protection,Ministry of griculture and Livestock is the National Enquiry Point(NEP) on Measures of SPS *Direction of External Trade is Notification Autority on TBT/SPS Agreement. Burundi Bureau of Standanrds is: - responsible of research and dissemination of different national standards documents and lodges the National Enquiry Point (NEP) on technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) in compliance with the WTO Agreement since 2008 ;
To acquire, to update and to disseminate the information widely speaking about the standardization as well as the WTO agreements To establish and to hold up to date a service of information placing at disposal of the authorities and the public the updated information concerning the national, regional and international standards in relation with the commercial exchanges and the industry. This service constitutes the National Enquiry Point for Burundi to the title of the WTO/TBT agreement.
The national Enquiry Point on the technical barriers to trade (TBT) is to provide to people concerned of information on the standardization, the standards and the inherent questions. To coordinate national committee on SPS Agreement.
ACTIVITIES BBN realizes a certain important number of activities on TBT agreement: -The control of measuring instruments and prepackaging products. In order to avoid low Quality of equipments, BBN makes an inspection of measuring and weighing instruments (balances, fuel and oil pumps) on request of some stakeholders. -To Notify on WTO website( since 2013:2 for SPS and 1 for TBTwww.wto.org
BBN Measurement capabilities BBN Laboratories Metrology laboratory has four sections: - Mass section ; - Temperature section ; - Volume/Flow section; -Length section Chemical laboratory: -Microbiological laboratory; -Building material laboratory
Burundi has a National SPS Committee in charge of coorinating and monitoring SPS measures since That Committee does the activities on SPS agreement for exemple To hold the regulars and extraordinary meetings on SPS matters among them the preparation of the EAC SPS Protocol ratification. -
Industrial experiences BBN carries out the following activities : verification of balances in different companies of Bujumbura City : slaughterhouse of Bujumbura, international airport, SOBUGEA, Bujumbura Port, Beer company (Brarudi), cotton company (Cogerco), agrofoods company(Mutoyi), soap company(Savonor), pharmaceutical company(Siphar), ….
Challenges Insufficient/lack of equipments to calibrate all measuring instruments; New technical staff without enough experiences in this matter; The country can not participate in all regional and international meetings; The local industries do not move with the same speed as the other EAC partners Notifications and comments from Partners not well handeln and disseminated.
Future Development Building and Equipment progressively of 10 laboratories ; Reinforcement of Awareness ; The implementation of WTO/TBT/SPS agreement through notification ; Capacity Building by Attachments/Training of NEP technical Staff/Notification Authority Staff. Needs of Capacity building on new system on online notification. Facilitate trade within the region in compliance of the EAC standards; Lack of collaboration between Notification Authorities and Technical autorities
Future Development Accompagnement of laboratories in the implementation of ISO17025 and ISO17020 Quality improvement of measuring and weighing instruments; Enhance competitiveness of enterprises; Participation in the regional and international metrology conferences; Training on SPS and TBT Agreements
Future Development Review of the BBN legislation and regulations systems in compliance with the SQMT Act, 2006 ; Collaboration with the regional and international organisations and institutions;