Eukaryotic Cell Structure 7-2
Organelles All the tiny structures that are found inside a cell are called organelles Organelle = means “little organs” All Eukaryotic cells are divided into two parts: the nucleus and the cytoplasm Cytoplasm is the jellylike portion outside of the nucleus
Nucleus Contains all the cells DNA, which provides all the codes needed to make proteins and other important molecules Nuclear envelope = is the membrane that surrounds the nucleus, it controls what moves in and out of the nucleus
Chromatin = is the granular material you can see in the nucleus, it is the DNA bound to protein When a cell divides, chromatin, becomes chromosomes, which is the DNA in a threadlike form Chromosomes are what gets passed from one generation of cells to the next Nucleolus = is the small dense region in the nucleus where ribosomes are made.
Other Organelles Ribosomes = where proteins are assembled (made) Endoplasmic Reticulum = where lipids for the cell membrane are made, contains the ribosomes where proteins and other materials are made – Smooth ER has no ribosomes – Rough ER has ribosomes
Golgi apparatus = modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and other materials for storage or secretion out of the cell. Lysosomes = digests and breaks down lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and proteins. They also get rid of “junk” that might otherwise clutter up the cell. Vacuoles = store materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates – Plant cells have a large central vacuole filled with water
Mitochondria = make energy by converting chemical food energy into a form the cells can use, ATP Chloroplasts = found in plants. Capture energy from the sun and convert it to chemical “food” energy, sugar. – The process is known as photosynthesis – Only found in plant cells Cytoskeleton = network of proteins that help the cell maintain its shape and with movement Centrioles = located near the nucleus and help the cell organize during division – only found in animal cells
Plant Cell Section 7-2 Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Vacuole Ribosome Nucleus Cell Wall Cell Membrane Chloroplast Mitochondria Cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi body
Animal Cell Section 7-2 Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Nucleus Mitochondria Endoplasmic reticulum Cytoplasm Cell Membrane Ribosome Golgi body Centriole Nucleolus Nuclear Envelope
Eukaryotic Cell Structure 2 Types Animal Plant The major parts found in both Nucleus Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Found only in plants Cell Wall Chloroplast Controls the cell (Contains DNA) Controls What moves Into and out of the cell Provides shape Provides support Carry out Photosynthesis (makes food) Ribosome Makes Protein from amino acids Mitochondria Makes energy