Helping our students find jobs Student Support Forum Andrew Whitmore Alison Metcalfe Careers and Employability Division June 2013
Strategic Aims of the University: Manchester 2020 KPI: By 2020, to achieve a positive graduate destination rate of 85%(DLHE), ensuring that the University is ranked in the upper quartile of the Russell Group Employability Working Group set up
Strategy: 3 strands (1) Embedding employability into the curriculum/academic engagement (2) Work experience: placements and internships (3) Student engagement
Senate approved actions: Schools to appoint academic career leads/champions Schools to demonstrate that they are taking action on employability…audit and action plan Schools to set targets New resources to support employability Generation of more internships
Help and support for graduates from the Careers Service
What help is there? Careers Advice – book a personal meeting with a careers consultant
Careers Service - online & interactive Particularly helpful for graduates no longer based in the Manchester area Website Careers Service Graduate blog Twitter Career Facebook groups by subject CareersLink Career Kickstart Help available via and the telephone
What’s on your website? 24 hour access to up-to-date information, advice, vacancies, facebook, blogs, and details of forthcoming events…
CareersLink for vacancies & events Graduates can access for up to 2 years after graduation Search for vacancies sent to the Careers Service average over 650 per month F-T & P-T jobs, graduate internships, Further Study & Voluntary opportunities Find and register for Careers events including Graduate Recruitment Fair Set up alerts for vacancies and events
Graduate Internships Manchester Graduate Internship Programme (MGIP) –Paid 4-12 months in Greater Manchester –Exclusively for our 2013 graduates Graduate Internships across the UK – information on the Careers Service website under finding work –Graduate Talent Pool
Summer Careers Events Programme Talks & workshops held between 6-19 June Includes –Psychometric Testing & Personality Profiling –Presentation Skills –Assessment Centres –Jobs search for international students –Staying and working in Manchester and more ……… vents vents
The Manchester Graduate Recruitment Fair Wed 12 & Thurs 13 June 10:30 – 16:00 Armitage Centre 180 employers from a range of sectors Different exhibitors each day 16 targeting PhDs on 12 June
What about help with CVs and interviews? Drop in “ Applications Advice “ –for help with CVs, application forms and interviews Mock interviews Hand-outs : takeaway from the careers resource centre or download from our website
For graduates not sure where to start? Career KickStart can help: An interactive tool designed to get graduates to think about their career and decide what to do next Careers Service “I don’t know what I want to do!” handout - available online or from Careers Resource Centre
Where is the Careers Service? Crawford House – Entrance on Booth Street East (opposite the Aquatics Centre) Appointments Phone :
Going forward : Guidance provision remains Careers training education: –Career Management Skills (CMS) –Manchester Leadership Programme (MLP) –In schools Vacancies and info via the web Employers on campus, at fairs etc
Going forward New centre for guidance services in the Atrium –Careers info, advice and guidance for students –Money doctor and academic guidance –Study abroad advice –Peer mentoring support –Exhibition area to promote things such as volunteering, wellbeing, study and work abroad –pods and small group areas
Going forward : More delivery in Schools –Talks to different year groups –School focussed sessions eg ALC CMS More activity at points of high student footfall, eg Learning Commons Use of on-campus screens to advertise vacancies and events
Going forward : Establishing a new ‘Placements’ unit within our Employer Relations team. 3 x Grade 6 managers to work with Schools Increased targets for Graduate & Student Internship Programmes eg 500 new internship opportunities Work experience bursaries: £250-£1,000
RobertsonCooper Reviewed the literature Suggested a “Competency Framework” –What differentiates those graduates who make a quick transition into a positive next step from those who struggle? Going forward : Student Engagement Improve destination outcomes for our graduates Prof Ivan Robertson
Competency framework Psychologists interviewed: –Careers staff – student behaviours we’d seen –Graduates in good jobs, shortly after graduating –Graduates in transitional jobs or unemployed Behaviours grouped into 5 areas Reviewed by careers staff, graduates and Dr Christine Rogers (School of Psychological Sciences)
Framework for Success Connect Persevere Communicate Explore Reflect
Next steps RobertsonCooper piloting a self-diagnostic questionnaire Challenges: –Making a diagnostic relevant to students at all stages –How to create major behavioural change?