PRIME Personal Re-employment Innovation (through) Mature Education Facilitated by Course Tutor: Giselle Ruoss Course Assistant : Frances Saggers
Ice-breaker: What is your greatest achievement? Hello, my name is Frances and my greatest achievement is… What is your name? What is your greatest achievement? Hello, my name is Giselle and my greatest achievement is…
PRIME: Four day course for people in the PRIME of their life and re-employment What to expect from this course: Day One: Building or Re-building self- confidence Day Two: Broadening Horizons Day Three: Self – Image Day Four: Soft Skills
Day 1: Some people say that now is the PRIME of your life but how do you feel? - CONFIDENCE To what extent would you agree or disagree in terms of:- Employment opportunities Time and Responsibilities Health Financial Matters Education How confident are you? Have you always worked and recently been made redundant, or perhaps taken early retirement? In either of these cases do you see it as an opportunity to try something new or has knocked your confidence and changed the way you feel about yourself? Perhaps you are working and would love to retire but feel you are unable to because you have too many commitments?
Day One: Looking good feeling great and in the PRIME of life and re-employment
Task 2: Looking good and in your PRIME – What do these words mean to you? Personal Re-employment Innovation Mature Education
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES What employment opportunities do you believe are open to you and why? What employment opportunities do you believe are closed to you and why? Have you worked all your lives and can not afford to retire? Or do you feel you would like to change career or have a part-time job or set up a business?
TIME AND RESPOSIBILITIES What responsibilities do you currently have? What responsibilities would you prefer not to have? How do you currently enjoy spending a spare time? How do you currently balance your responsibilities and your time?
HEALTH OR FLEXIBLE WORKING PATTERNS Have you decided to change jobs due to health considerations? If so, would you consider working Part-time (less than 16 hours per week) Taking a job share Working from home Or starting your own business
EDUCATION What does education mean to you? What do you like to learn about? How do you like to learn? By talking By listening By reading By writing or by doing things? What do you not like about learning?
FINANCE Would you like to retire but you can not afford to due to your current commitments or lifestyle choices? Have you worked out financially what you need to live per week or per month? How many hours per week would you like to work? Consider what savings/assets and income you have? Does this change your calculations?
TASK 2 LIFE AT 50 + What is you biggest achievement? How did it make you feel? What would you like to do that you have not done yet? How will you make it happen?
Talking Task: DO YOU HAVE A JOB AT THE MOMENT? YES Yes. What do you do? Yes, at the moment but I might be made redundant soon Yes, but I want to reduce my hours so that I can spend some time doing what I want to do Yes, I want to spend more time with the family Yes, but I want to start my own business and I don’t know where to start
Talking Task: DO YOU HAVE A JOB AT THE MOMENT? NO No, but I really would like to work No, not at the moment but I used to work No, I have just been made redundant No, I need to go back to work as I can not afford to retire No I need to change my job because of health issues What jobs have you done in the past? What would you like to do?
Perhaps you are working and would love to retire but feel you are unable to because you have too many commitments? List your current commitments Would you like to keep that commitment or change it? How? What would you like to do next?
OLD FOLK TALES OR COMMON SENSE? ‘You are never too old to learn’ ‘Age is just a number’ ‘The older the wiser’ ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ What do you think about these statements? Why?
Talking Task: INNER CONFIDENCE The thing about inner confidence is that what you feel on the inside is stronger than the words you say So, if you think positively, you are more likely to achieve your goal and to succeed However, if you think that you are not good enough these feelings will hold you back and change your view of life
Attitude to life – Is your glass of life half full or half empty?
WHAT IS WORK? Work can be: Full-time (16 or more hours per week) Part-time (less than 16 hours per week) Shift work Hourly paid Voluntary work Look at these scenarios. Can you work out the type of work each one is describing?
Talking Task: AGE – IS IT MORE THAN JUST A NUMBER How you feel about your age? For some people that is a personal question but, how you feel about it can effect what you do in life Age can effect you attitude to life and work Whether you choose to work, make a career change or take early retirement depends on other things you want to do in life
ATTITUDE TO WORK – Why do YOU do work? One reason is to earn more money! But there are other reasons to work Maybe to afford a holiday Or buy some thing new that you need to save up for To keep you active You have worked all your life, its just what you do Self confidence
FORMAL EDUCATION VS LIFE EXPERINCE In your view, what is more important formal education or life experience? When is formal education important? In what situations do you think life experience is important? Do you need a mixture of formal education and life experience to succeed in life? Or is life experience an education in its self?
GO FOR IT! All of you here today, have an ambitions whatever your ambitions they are all achievable! Some of you will consider going into employment. Some of you will consider further education. Some of you might plan a holiday. Some of you will make different choices in life. GO FOR IT ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL