Do you Need Money to Be Happy? How and Where are our Financial Values and Habits formed and developed?
Financial Knowledge How do values impact career choices? How do values impact financial choices?
“What” do you REALLY want money to buy? “Money itself is not the goal. Our worth is not measured by the weight of our bank accounts but, rather, but the weight of our souls. The path to money, the places money can take us, the time and freedom and opportunity money can bring – these are what we are REALLY after.” Tony Robbins What are your Wellbeing goals: Career Social Financial Physical Community
The Examination
What is Financial Wellbeing and How does it relate to Happiness?
Choosing a Career Based on What Pays Well PROSCONS
A Career Path You Love – regardless of the Pay PROSCONS
The Importance of Overall Wellbeing Love for what we do each day The Quality of our relationships Economic Security Physical Health How we contribute to the Community
Career Wellbeing is TWICE as likely to thrive overall in wellbeing IF WE CONTINUE TO EXAMINE OURSELVES and have balance in all areas; Measure what you have determined is important!!
Career, Paycheck, and Happiness My story
Multiple Careers
My Career Path/Life Journey ADD CHART TEMPLATE Struggling Flourishing
Family of Origin ADD Wellbeing Chart
Family of Origin – a few!
Post College (21-24)
Marriage & Family; Graduate Degree (Age 25-35) ADD WELLBEING CHART
Career & Family Transitions (35-43) ADD WELLBEING CHART
Growing Family
First Big Career Change
Ten Years of Financial Wealth (Age 45-55) ADD WELLBEING CHART
My Life is Worthwhile AND I Do this for The Money “ Our lives are the composite of much more than our economic output. To create a life that is worthwhile, not just for ourselves but for those around us, we need to find something we love to do that not only benefits US, but that benefits society.” Bobby Kennedy, 1968
Find something you LOVE to do that also benefits society Invest time in strengthening our relationships with those we love Have a plan to provide financial security for our families’ needs My Worthwhile Life
Adopt lifestyles that give us the health and energy to keep moving each day Make better choices in the moment Use your strengths at your job everyday
Choose to spend more time with people you enjoy Engage your strengths as much as possible Structure your finances to minimize stress and worry caused by debt Measure your success! My Worthwhile Life
The World We Make For Ourselves Do not let life happen TO you - Take on the Responsibility to GROW and BE what you make for yourself _to_beter_work?language=en
I Want to Learn More About “What Makes Us Happy At Work” satisfaction.htm
RESOURCES John Maxwell – Leadership and Personal Development Donald Clifton – Strengths-Finder – Personal Development Daniel Goldman – Emotional Intelligence intelligence/
Denise Martinez Financial Information & Service Center (FISC) Program Operations Leader Goodwill Industries of North Central WI, INC Appleton Road Menasha, WI (920)