Promoting Occupational Health - Preventing Alcohol Abuse Hanna Jurvansuu, Researcher Leena Heljälä, Researcher, Project Co-ordinator Marketta Kivistö, Researcher Reducing Alcohol Problems in the Baltic Sea Area Riga March 2007
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Occupational Health Services (OHS) in Finland Coverage of OHS among employees is 85 %, 1.82 million employees ~ 750 OHS units; 3,5 million visits /year OHS-professionals: OH physicians and OH nurses Preventive OHS (and curative services) The OHS Act, renewed in 2001 Promotion and Maintenance of Work Ability (PMWA), focuses on health and work ability of worker, development of work environment and well functioning and conductive work organization
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Backgroud – Brief Alcohol Intervention Project, FIOH objective-to increase brief interventions in occupational health settings targeted at OHS personnel informing, lecturing, training, websites, materials guidebook for OHS to identify and counsel hazardous drinkers "Brief alcohol intervention in occupational health services" (English version coming soon)
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga New project – Alcohol and Occupational Health Research and development project 'Alcohol and Occupational Health' Basis: the needs of workplaces and OHS; their wishes for support and co-operation in their work to prevent alcohol-related problems at workplaces Aim: to promote occupational health by preventing alcohol abuse Funding: The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Government Work Safety Fund, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Effects of hazardous drinking Individual hangover hypertension dyssomnia arrhythmia upset headache tiredness irritability anxiety depression addiction Behaviour at work absenteeism and sick leaves inability to concentrate decrease in efficiency disregard for rules accidents and injuries poorer evaluation ability Workplace mistrust inability to co- operate selfishness irritability moping covering-up and hiding Society alcohol-related illness and deaths, hospital treatment, disability pensions, violence, drink-driving, traffic accidents...
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Objectives to study –prevention of alcohol-related problems at the workplace –co-operation between workplace and OHS in alcohol abuse prevention –suitability of brief intervention in the practice of OHS to develop good practices for workplaces –to prevent alcohol abuse and problems –to tackle alcohol problems
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Research organizations Four organizations and their OHS Four similar organizations and their OHS, as points of comparison a university department a civil service department a hotel and catering business a stevedoring company
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Phases of the research 1.Analyses of the current situation 2.Intervention 3.Follow-up 4.Developing good practices
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Phase 1. Analyses of the current situation Research questions –needs and practices at workplace concerning prevention of alcohol-related hazards, early identification, and alcohol problems –alcohol use, work ability, and general health of personnel –co-operation between workplace and OHS in alcohol- related problem prevention Material –questionnaire for all 8 workplaces –questionnaire for their OHS –documents (OHS contract, occupational safety policy, alcohol policy, etc.)
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Phase 2. Intervention Objectives –to increase knowledge of effects of alcohol use and hazards on work ability and occupational health –to prepare OHS personnel to broach alcohol issues –to improve/deepen the co-operation between workplace and OHS in alcohol-related problem prevention Methods –informing personnel at 4 workplaces –training key persons to tackle alcohol problems –training personnel at 4 OHS to perform brief interventions –training management, safety personnel, etc., and OHS to plan, implement and evaluate preventive work
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Phase 3. Follow-up Questions –have the needs and practices at workplaces changed? –have alcohol use and work ability of personnel changed? –has the co-operation between the workplace and OHS in alcohol harm prevention changed? Material –questionnaire for all 8 workplaces –questionnaire for their OHS –documents
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Phase 4. Developing good practices The final goal is to develop good practices for workplaces to prevent alcohol-related hazards, to broach alcohol issues early on, and to tackle alcohol problems when needed –based on research findings –in co-ordination with workplaces, OHS, and FIOH
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Reporting and disseminating the results To researchers: scientific articles, abstracts, presentations To professionals (OH nurses and doctors, HR management): articles in professional magazines, presentations To workplaces, public: company news, popular articles Both nationally and internationally
Promoting Occupational Health by Preventing Alcohol Abuse / FIOH / Hanna Jurvansuu / Riga Impact on workplaces Personnel is aware of alcohol-related risks to work ability and occupational health, and of alcohol policy and practices at the workplace Personnel knows how to tackle alcohol-related problems at an early stage when needed OHS is able to focus on providing information, early identification and brief intervention rather than on treating already established alcohol-related problems In the long run, well-being, safety and productivity at work will increase